Dangerous, Deadly Superbugs
These germs can resist most anything
Alison Lawson endured a long winter a year ago when her daughter Genevieve's ear infection lasted for months without successful treatment. After analyzing Genevieve's ear fluid, her doctor discovered the reason: Genevieve was infected with a superbug that had developed resistance to all child-approved antibiotics.
When antibiotic drugs were introduced in the 1940s, they revolutionized health care, and illnesses that previously had been life- threatening could be treated with much more success. Unfortunately, in the decades since then, the overuse of antibiotics has led to antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
Antibiotic resistance can develop in different ways. When antibiotics enter the body, they attack bacteria, either destroying them or making them unable to multiply. Any bacteria that successfully resist the antibiotics can then multiply and spread. Bacteria can also become antibiotic-resistant by trading DNA with other germs. When bacteria become immune to several antibiotics, they are called superbugs.
Last year, in Rochester, New York, several children suffered from the same ear infection Alison Lawson's daughter had. The lucky ones, including Genevieve, were successfully treated with an antibiotic approved only for adult use; however, one unlucky child ended up with permanent hearing damage.
Word Bank:
superbug (n) 超級病菌
The doctor suspected Irene was infected with a superbug when the medicine he gave her didn't work.
antibiotic (n) 抗生素
Jill is taking antibiotics for an ear infection.
resistant (adj) 抵抗的
This jacket is water-resistant, so you can wear it when it's raining.
immune (adj) 免疫的
A healthy lifestyle, while not able to make one immune to diseases, can help to prevent them.
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