Sit, stay, down, no, don't eat that, drop it. Dogs. We pet them, we love them, we talk to them. But are they listening?
Of course they are. ______(填一句話。)________
The study used a method commonly deployed on babies: tracking eye movements. If the baby, or in this case the dog, looks at something, it’s assumed that they're interested in it.
The researchers showed dogs two videos. In one, a person looks into the camera and says "hi dog!" in a high-pitched voice before turning towards a plastic pot. In the other, the person avoids eye contact and says “hi dog” in a lower voice before turning towards the pot.
And the dogs looked at the pot more often after the "hi dog!" than after the “hi dog.” Meaning the animated delivery style cues the dogs of an intension to communicate. Dogs thus perceive such intent similarly to babies. Except babies are slightly less likely to dig up the flowers in that plastic pot.
And recent research found that dogs are paying attention not only to what we say, but to how we say it.
坐下!停下!下來!不!不要吃那個!放下它!狗狗們,我們寵它們,我們愛它們,我們向它們吐槽。但是不是對“狗”彈琴了呢? 不,它們當然會聽你碎碎念。最近的研究發(fā)現(xiàn)狗狗不光聽我們念叨啥,還關注我們是怎么跟它們吐槽的。 這項研究使用的眼球移動追蹤大法,通常用于研究嬰兒。如果嬰兒,當然在這里是狗狗,看著啥東西,即認為它們對啥感興趣。 研究者給狗狗看了兩段視頻。一段中,那個人看著攝像頭用高音調說:“你好?。⊥?!”,然后轉頭面向一個塑料盆。在另一段視頻中,那人不看攝像頭、用低沉的聲音說:“你好啊!旺財!”,然后也轉頭面向一個塑料盆。 比起看了后一段視頻的狗狗,看了前一段視頻的狗狗看那個塑料盆的頻率更高。這就說明活潑生動的交流方式能提示小狗:你想跟它交流。因此,狗狗在這方面的感知能力跟嬰兒是類似的。只是,嬰兒貌似是不會把塑料盆里的花給挖出來。