"You shall have your sunset. I shall command it. But, according to my science of government, I shall wait until conditions are favorable." "When will that be?" inquired the little prince. "Hum! Hum!" replied the king; and before saying anything else he consulted a bulky almanac. "Hum! Hum! That will be about-- about-- that will be this evening about twenty minutes to eight. And you will see how well I am obeyed." The little prince yawned. He was regretting his lost sunset. And then, too, he was already beginning to be a little bored.
“日落么,你會看到的。我一定要太陽落山,不過按照我的統(tǒng)治科學(xué),我得 等到條件成熟的時候?!? 小王子問道:“這要等到什么時候呢?” 國王在回答之前,首先翻閱了一本厚厚的日歷,嘴里慢慢說道:“嗯!嗯! 日落大約……大約……在今晚七時四十分的時候!你將看到我的命令一定會被服從的?!? 小王子又打起哈欠來了。他遺憾沒有看到日落。他有點(diǎn)厭煩了。