

Finally, in 1926, Heisenberg came up with [-1-], producing a new discipline that came to be known as quantum mechanics. At the heart of it was Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which states that the electron is a particle but a particle that can be described in terms of waves. [---2---] Any attempt to measure one will [-3-] disturb the other. [---4---] There is a little uncertainty about the use of the word uncertainty [-5-] Heisenberg's principle. Michael Frayn, in an afterword to his play Copenhagen, notes that several words in German-Unsicherheit, Unscharfe, Unbestimmtheit-have been used by various translators, [-6-] . Frayn suggests that indeterminacy would be a better word for the principle and indeterminability would be better still.
a celebrated compromise The uncertainty around which the theory is built is that we can know the path an electron takes as it moves through a space or we can know where it is at a given instant, but we cannot know both. unavoidably This isn't a matter of simply needing more precise instruments; it is an immutable property of the universe. in regard to but that none quite equates to the English uncertainty