13歲開發(fā)者鄭博聞亮相百度大會 被贊有喬布斯范
3月23日消息,在百度開發(fā)者大會(Developer Conference)上,13歲iOS開發(fā)者鄭博聞上臺演講,稱喬布斯是他最尊敬的人,多次獲得現場熱烈掌聲。他演講的題目是“是Geek還是張江男”。在說到自己的年紀時,引發(fā)現場觀眾一片沸騰。鄭博聞的開發(fā)者生涯始于一臺Kindle3。“2010年的10月,一位朋友給我一臺Kindle3,這臺小小的電子閱讀器對我產生很大的影響。Kindle界最火的幾件事情之一就是Kindle3的輸入法(input method),做出這個輸入法的人就是我。通過對Kindle3的開發(fā),像一把金鑰匙給我打開打盡的寶藏?!?/p>
鄭博聞說,他對喬布斯有不解情緣(special complex),喬布斯是值得他尊敬的人。“當我看到他的時候,我產生一個念頭,I want?!?鄭博聞開發(fā)的應用有I抽獎,文字轉有聲書(audio books)的應用等。
12歲小天才開發(fā)iPhone應用 小版喬布斯演講實力足>>>
他表示,在開發(fā)過程中影響他的有三個單詞,分別是Simple、Touch、Green。極簡主義是喬布斯一種貫徹的理念,他在產品中也一直追求簡潔的美;Touch,未來得世界是可以觸摸的世界,也是觸手可及的世界。Green,綠色環(huán)境,人人有責。電子產品日新月異,大量的電子垃圾(electronic waste)會充斥著地球,希望未來的云技術(cloud technology)可以更小型,更環(huán)保。“Simple、Touch、Green,三者結合在一起的時候,那就是未來?!编嵅┞務f。
鄭博聞是全場最年輕的開發(fā)者,在百度開發(fā)者大會壓軸登場(grand finale)。
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication 至繁歸于至簡
法國著名畫家達芬奇的這句名言,是喬布斯設計哲學的核心理念(defining precept of Jobs’s design philosophy)。無論是在蘋果的logo還是蘋果的各代產品的外型和內部設計中,喬布斯一直秉承的都是這個中心主題:大道至簡。喬布斯認為真正的藝術家會簡化自己的設計(Real artists simplify)。
Jobs described Apple in the terms he would use repeatedly over the years, as “an intersection between science and aesthetics.” When I suggested that he seemed to be striving for an almost Zen-like simplicity in his designs, he agreed, mentioning an early brochure with a single image of an apple against a white background.
“Fruit, an apple,” he said. “That simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. When you start looking at a problem, it seems really simple—because you don’t understand its complexity. And your solutions are way too oversimplified, and they don’t work. Then you get into the problem and you see it’s really complicated. And you come up with all these convoluted solutions. That’s where most people stop, and the solutions tend to work for a while. But the really great person will keep going and find the key underlying principle of the problem and sort of come full circle with a beautiful, elegant solution that works. And that’s what we wanted to do with Mac.”