英語(yǔ)格言警句 Art (A13)
There is not a work of art that is without short cuts.
- Andre Gide
Art is either plagiarism or revolution.
- Paul Gauguin
An architect's most useful tools are an eraser at the drafting board, and a wrecking bar at the site.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
Art is not living. It is the use of living.
- Audre Lorde
No great artist ever sees things as they are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.
- Oscar Wilde
When I have a terrible need of -- shall I say the word -- religion. Then I go out and paint the stars.
- Vincent van Gogh
A man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.
- Albert Camus
We rely upon the poets, the philosophers, and the playwrights to articulate what most of us can only feel, in joy and sorrow. They illuminate the thoughts for which we only grope; they give us the strength and balm we cannot find in ourselves. Whenever I feel my courage wavering I rush to them. They will give me the wisdom of acceptance, the will and resilience to push on.
- Helen Hayes
The more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.
- Vincent van Gogh
A good picture is equivalent to a good deed.
- Vincent van Gogh
Nobody sees a flower -- really -- it is so small it takes time -- we haven't time -- and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.
- Georgia O'Keeffe
Writing has laws of perspective, of light and shade just as painting does, or music. If you are born knowing them, fine. If not, learn them. Then rearrange the rules to suit yourself.
- Truman Capote
Living gives you a better understanding of life. I would hope that my characters have become deeper and more rounded personalities. Wider travels have given me considerably greater insight into how cultural differences affect not only people, but politics and art.
- Alan Dean Foster
The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you.
- Oscar Wilde
People often remark that I'm pretty lucky. Luck is only important in so far as getting the chance to sell yourself at the right moment. After that, you've got to have talent and know how to use it.
- Frank Sinatra
The serious revolutionary, like the serious artist, can't afford to lead a sentimental or self-deceiving life.
- Adrienne Rich
I can very well do without God both in my life and in my painting, but I cannot, suffering as I am, do without something which is greater than I am, which is my life, the power to create.
- Vincent van Gogh
For I must tell you that we artists cannot tread the path of Beauty without Eros keeping company with us and appointing himself as our guide.
- Thomas Mann
If you want to photograph a man spinning, give some thought to why he spins. Understanding for a photographer is as important as the equipment he uses.
- Margaret Bourke-White
I feel there are two people inside me -- me and my intuition. If I go against her, she'll screw me every time, and if I follow her, we get along quite nicely.
- Kim Basinger
Art is moral passion married to entertainment. Moral passion without entertainment is propaganda, and entertainment without moral passion is television.
- Rita Mae Brown
The role of the artist I now understood as that of revealing through the world-surfaces the implicit forms of the soul, and the great agent to assist the artist was the myth.
- Joseph Campbell
There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a photograph. All photographs are accurate. None of them is the truth.
- Richard Avedon
Nothing exists until or unless it is observed. An artist is making something exist by observing it. And his hope for other people is that they will also make it exist by observing it. I call it "creative observation." Creative viewing.
- William S. Burroughs
There are certain things in which mediocrity is intolerable: poetry, music, painting, public eloquence. What torture it is to hear a frigid speech being pompously declaimed, or second-rate verse spoken with all a bad poet's bombast!
- Jean de La Bruyere
Individuality of expression is the beginning and the end of all art.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I don't think one can accurately measure the historical effectiveness of a poem; but one does know, of course, that books influence individuals; and individuals, although they are part of large economic and social processes, influence history. Every mass is after all made up of millions of individuals.
- Denise Levertov
Nothing is more the child of art than a garden.
- Sir Walter Scott
Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas.
- Elizabeth Murray
The many great gardens of the world, of literature and poetry, of painting and music, of religion and architecture, all make the point as clear as possible: The soul cannot thrive in the absence of a garden. If you don't want paradise, you are not human; and if you are not human, you don't have a soul.
- Thomas Moore
Laying out grounds may be considered a liberal art, in some sort like poetry and painting.
- William Wordsworth
Every garden-maker should be an artist along his own lines. That is the only possible way to create a garden, irespective of size or wealth.
- Vita Sackville-West
I find working with glass meditative, almost therapeutic. I can leave the world behind, and focus... The simplicity of form, the drama of rich, intense colour, the joy of challenge, and the challenge of endurance... The piece, when it is over, is not what is made, but how it is made.
- Andrew Kuntz
Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being and makes him its instrument. To perform this difficult office it is sometimes necessary for him to sacrifice happiness and everything that makes life worth living for the ordinary human being.
- Carl Jung
Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind.
- Magdalena Abakanowicz
Art does not solve problems but makes us aware of their existence. It opens our eyes to see and our brain to imagine.
- Magdalena Abakanowicz
Good art can not be immoral. By good art I mean art that bears true witness, I mean the art that is most precise.
- Ezra Pound
Art for art's sake, with no purpose, for any purpose perverts art. But art achieves a purpose which is not its own. [1804]
- Benjamin Constant
Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.
- Daniel Barenboim
I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.
- John Adams
Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
My mother said to me, "If you become a soldier, you'll be a general; if you become a monk, you'll end up as the Pope." Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.
- Pablo Picasso
All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
- Pablo Picasso
Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder. The capacity for wonder has been called our most pregnant human faculty, for in it are born our art, our science, our religion.
- Ralph W. Sockman
Art is not about thinking something up. It is the opposite -- getting something down.
The Artist's Way
- Julia Cameron
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