
The Banyan Tree

by Rabindranath Tagore?
from The Crescent Moon

Translated by Zheng Zhenduo

O you shaggy-headed banyan tree standing on the bank of the pond, have you forgotten the little child, like the birds that have nested in your branches and left you?

Do you not remember how he sat at the window and wondered at the tangle of your roots that plunged underground?

The women would come to fill their jars in the pond, and your huge black shadow would wriggle on the water like sleep struggling to wake up.

Sunlight danced on the ripples like restless tiny shuttles weaving golden tapestry.

Two ducks swam by the weedy margin above their shadows, and the child would sit still and think.

He longed to be the wind and blow through your rustling branches, to be your shadow and lengthen with the day on the water, to be a bird and perch on your top-most twig, and to float like those ducks among the weeds and shadows.


Banyan Tree是菩提樹,也叫印度榕樹,常生長在水邊,它蓬松的樹冠是鳥兒安樂的家園,它投下的大片樹蔭為地下的生靈送去清涼,像一位慈愛的長輩呵護(hù)著自己的子孫。孩子一定常常坐在窗前,水邊,出神地凝望這棵大樹,像注視一位親人、朋友一般,充滿依戀的感情。