1985年夏天,喬布斯在蘋果地位不保(losing his footing at Apple),經(jīng)Alan Kay的介紹,他認識了在喬治·盧卡斯的電影制片廠負責電腦技術的Ed Catmull(running the computer division of George Lucas' film studio)。兩年后,1987年喬布斯成功收購Pixar,以投資1000萬美元的投資(for his $10 million investment),獲得了公司70%的股份(own the 70% of the company)。公司開始運作之際,控制欲極強(controlling instincts)、語言表達極具蠱惑力的喬布斯,將有如何的表現(xiàn)呢?而他的新員工們,又會有怎樣的對策?
For a while Jobs let Catmull and Smith run Pixar without much interference. Every month or so they would gather for a board meeting, usually at NeXT headquarters, where Jobs would focus on the finances and strategy. Nevertheless, by dint of his personality and controlling instincts, Jobs was soon playing a stronger role. He spewed out a stream of ideas—some reasonable, others wacky—about what Pixar’s hardware and software could become.And on his occasional visits to the Pixar offices, he was an inspiring presence.“I grew up a Southern Baptist, and we had revival meetings with mesmerizing but corrupt preachers,” recounted Alvy Ray Smith. “Steve’s got it: the power of the tongue and the web of words that catches people up. We were aware of this when we had board meetings, so we developed signals—nose scratching or ear tugs—for when someone had been caught up in Steve’s distortion field and he needed to be tugged back to reality.”(Chapter 19 Pixar: Lucasfilm's Computer Division)
1. interference n.干擾, 妨礙 v. interfere
interfere with 干擾,干涉;妨礙;觸動或弄壞;亂動;與……抵觸??? interfere in vt. 干涉,干預
2. mesmerize vt. 1.對...施催眠術 2.迷住;迷惑
mesmerize這個單詞的詞根是mesmer(幻術師),mesmer 來源于人名:奧地利精神科醫(yī)師麥斯麥(Franz Anton Mesmer),他是歷史記載中的第一位催眠師,現(xiàn)代催眠術(hypnotism)之父,他的治療方法同樣名聲大噪,被稱為麥斯麥術(Mesmerism)。
3. catch up 趕上, 很快拾起
4. recount vt. 詳述, 列舉, 重新計算 n. 重新
5. Pixar
皮克斯動畫工作室(Pixar Animation Studios),于1986年正式成立,至今已經(jīng)出品十二部動畫長片和超過三十部動畫短片。可以稱為是一家繼迪士尼公司之后,對動畫電影歷史影響最深遠的公司。公司于2006年被迪士尼收購,成為其全資子公司。公司的代表作品:《玩具總動員》(1995年);《蟲蟲危機》(1998年);《怪物公司》(2001);《海底總動員》(2003);《汽車總動員》(2006)等。