史上最強球迷父母:雙胞胎異國而生 只為歐冠決賽(雙語)
2012-07-12 10:16
The youngsters were welcomed to the world in England and Scotland last Sunday as their parents, Donna Keenan and Joe Fox, settled down to watch the Euro 2012 final.
With no time to get to the hospital, paramedics were forced to deliver Dylan on the living room floor.
But as the twins were being born four weeks early, medical staff pulled out all the stops to get Ms Keenan to hospital in time for Hannah’s arrival.
The 28-year-old endured an hour-long trip to Borders General Hospital in Melrose, Scotland, before her daughter made an appearance hours later.
‘I’m still getting over the shock of what’s happened,’ said Ms Keenan, of Wooler, Northumberland. ‘It’s all such a blur.'
“這件事至今我都緩不過勁來,” 基南告訴記者?!拔业哪X子里還是一團亂”。
‘Joe and I already have a daughter, Jessica, who’s two, and I was in labour with her for 30 hours so never imagined the twins would come so quickly.
‘I had already been up to the Borders hospital and come home when I started to feel a bit strange and that’s when my waters went.’
Dylan was born at about 8pm, weighing 2.6kg (5lb 13oz), while his sister tipped the scales at 2.2kg (4lb 14oz) when she arrived at 11.40pm.
Mr Fox, 24, who was at his partner’s side for both births, said: ‘We’re still getting our heads around it.
‘We knew the babies were going to be born in different countries but there was also a chance they’d be born on different days because it was so late.'
‘I joked to Donna that she should hold on as long as possible but I only mentioned it once and don’t think it went down too well!’