

This town could use a bit of a wake-up call, don't you think?

Wake-up call = a warning = 敲響了警鐘
A warning
EX: The recent cases of sexual harassment in Shanghai hopefully are a wake-up call to strengthen public safety. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?

Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?
(Do you) ever notice….?
(Do you) wanna go to the movies?
(Do you) need to go to the bathroom?
(Are you) having a bad day?
(Will you) have dinner with me?

(Will you) have dinner?
(Will you) go to the grocery store?

Druggie: A drug addict
EX: The druggies in my town like to hang out near 7-11.Attention whore: Someone who loves attention, someone who craves the spotlight (渴望聚光燈)
EX: Girls who like to 自拍 are attention whores, in my opinion.
In general, noun + whore = someone who loves said noun. Gucci whore = someone who loves Gucci.

She is big on texting.

To be big on sthg. = a fan of, enthusiastic about something = 熱愛
EXI’m not big on pig liver or cow tongue.
Europeans are really big on the World Cup.
EXI’m (not) a huge fan of dub step.

