Sheldon: That was fun. Maybe tomorrow we can go to one of those big warehouse stores.

Penny: Oh, I don’t know Sheldon, it’s going to take me a while to recover from all the fun I had today.

Sheldon: Are you sure. There are a lot of advantages to buying in bulk. For example, I noticed that you purchase your tampons one month’s supply at a time.

Penny: What?

Sheldon: Well think about it, it’s a product that doesn’t spoil, and you’re going to be needing them for at least the next thirty years.

Penny: You want me to buy thirty years worth of tampons?

Sheldon: Well, thirty, thirty five, hey, when did your mother go into menopause?

Penny: Okay, I’m not talking about this with you.

Sheldon: Oh, Penny, this is a natural human process, and we’re talking about statistically significant savings. Now, if you assume 15 tampons per cycle and a 28 day cycle, are you fairly regular? (Penny shuts door in his face.) Okay, no warehouse store, but we’re still on for put-put golf, right?

warehouse store
【釋】a type of store that sells things in large amounts, so that you can buy them at a lower price than at normal stores
【例】This article is a study on the stock management for warehouse store.
【例】To improve stock turn and keep reasonable stock becomes the key success factor to the warehouse store.

buying in bulk
【釋】in bulk: (of goods) in large quantities and generally at a reduced price
【例】You should know that buying in bulk always makes better economic sense.
【例】Additionally, buying in bulk allows you to save time and gas money by doing your shopping less often.

【釋】a specially shaped piece of cotton material that a woman puts inside her vagina to absorb blood during her period

【釋】the ceasing of menstruation. the period in a woman’s life (typically between the ages of 45 and 50) when menstruation ceases.
【例】More women are starting to take calcium supplements after menopause.
【例】Yet Jane stops speculating that her husband might be crazy after she goes through the menopause.

we are still on for
【釋】be on for something: to want to do something
【例】Are we still on for the picnic this Saturday?
【例】"We are still on for some exceptionally warm weather, temperatures will probably reach 28C (82.4F) over the London area, " he said.
他說:“我們還是期待在倫敦可以有非常溫暖的天氣,溫度可以上升到28C (82.4F)?!?/p>

生活大爆炸S01E04 MJE美劇筆記:超市之行


作者@MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟(Carly注? dolphin審校)