500根橡皮筋引爆西瓜 慢鏡頭的世界很精彩(視頻)
來源:daily mail
2012-07-24 17:24
Reality always look better in slow motion. Even the most humdrum events can seem like the most dramatic moment of an action film.
This certainly seems to the opinion of the 'Slow Mo Guys', who decided to wrap hundreds and hundreds of elastic bands around a watermelon, bracing themselves for the moment the combined pressure leads a dramatic explosion and red faces all around.
“slow mo guys”二人組貌似也是這嗎想。他們這次決定用上百條橡皮筋捆綁一個西瓜,壓力會引起西瓜爆炸,果肉滿天飛。
The pair - famed for their love of slow-motion destruction - spent 20 minutes wrapping the bands around the fruit, and then recorded the action with a camera that can take 1,600 images per second.
They used a Phantom Flex camera to record the action, which provided them with high-definition footage to keep for posterity.
他們用Phantom Flex高速攝影機記錄下這個畫面,這臺攝影機為他們記錄下了高分辨率的影像資料。
The video is part of a series of slow-motion videos, 61 in total, posted by the pair on their YouTube video.
Previously they have tackled a computer with a sledgehammer, played golf with an apple, and exploded 'bottle-bombs', capturing each moment at a fraction of the pace of real life.
The pair do not go to lengths to explain their motivations or what the audience is witnessing. Instead they seem to enjoy nothing more than watching everyday objects explode in super slow motion.
But that is part of the beauty of science - sometimes there doesn't need to be a reason, other than watching life from a new perspective.