Little Bear Sing Along
Together: Row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. Row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
Hen: Now, whistle.
Little Bear: Duck?
Duck: Can we play something else?
Little Bear: Well, we can sing a different song…
Duck: As long as we don’t have to whistle.
Emily: What should we sing?
Together: Oh, well……I know.
Monkey: Why don’t we make up our own song?
Duck: How do we remember the words?
Monkey: We act them out. Like this: Little Bear, Little Bear, sing a song.
Little Bear: Oh!
Monkey: Little Bear, Little Bear, sing a song.
Little Bear: Ah, Ding Dong. Ding Dong.
Monkey: Little Bear, Little Bear, run along.
Together: Haaa…
Emily: Now it’s my turn.
Monkey: Sing, everybody!?
Together: Little Bear, Little Bear, sing a song.
Little Bear: Ding Dong.
Together: Ding Dong.
Together: Little Bear, Little Bear, run along.
Emily: Little bear, Little Bear , turn around,
Together: turn around!
Emily: Sing something Duck.
Duck: Ha, Oh! Little Bear, Little Bear, Oh, Emm… and go … emm…
Together: wow! Woof!
Duck: I know, I Know, fall to the ground.
Duck: Do it again, do it again, do it, do it.
Together: Little bear, Little Bear,sing a song, Ding dong Ding dong, Little Bear, Little Bear, run along. Little Bear, Little Bear, turn around. Little Bear, Little Bear, fall to the ground.
Emily: Oh!
Mother Bear: Little bear, time to come in.
Little Bear: Mother Bear, we are making up a song. And it’s cat’s turn.
Mother Bear: All right, but it’s getting late.
Cat: Oh, I’ve got one. Little bear, Little Bear,dance on your toes.
Together: Little bear, Little Bear,dance on your toes.
Hen: Enn, wriggle your nose.
Together: Little bear, Little Bear,wriggle your nose.
Duck: I can’t do it.
Monkey: Let’s start again.
Together: Little bear, Little Bear, sing a song. Ding dong ding dong, Little bear, Little Bear, run along. Little bear, Little Bear, turn around, Little bear, Little Bear, fall to the ground.
Owl: What comes next again?
Cat: Oh, dance on your toes,
Together: dance on your toes, wriggle your nose,
Duck: I still can’t do it.
Mother Bear: Little bear, Is your song finished?
Little Bear: Almost Mother Bear. It’s Owl’s turn.
Owl: My turn? Yes, so it is. Oh, Little bear, Little bear …
Emily: Just make it up
Owl: wiggle your hips.
Together: Wiggle your hips.
Monkey: Little Bear, Little Bear, do back flips.
Together: Enm… Wow
Little Bear: I can’t do that.
Monkey: Then do a front flip.
Little Bear: Ta .. Da… Woo.
Together: Little bear, Little Bear, sing a song. Ding dong ding dong, Little bear, Little Bear, run along. turn around, fall to the ground, dance on your toes, wriggle your nose, wiggle your hips, do back flips,
Cat: No, front flips.
Together: Oh, Yeah!
Little Bear: Oh?
Mother Bear: Finished yet?
Little Bear: En heng?
Mother Bear: Well?
Little Bear: Lucy hasn’t had a turn yet.
Emily: Little Bear, Little Bear, stand up tall. Now Lucy says to make yourself small.
Together: Ha… Little bear, Little Bear, sing a song. Ding dong, run along. turn around, fall to the ground, dance on your toes, wriggle your nose, wiggle your hips, do front flips.
Mother Bear: Little bear, Little Bear, time for bed.
Father Bear: Time for bed, sleepy head.
Little Bear: Oh,
Together: Little bear, Little Bear, sing a song. Ding dong ding dong, Little bear, Little Bear, run along. turn around, fall to the ground, dance on your toes, wriggle your nose, wiggle your hips, do front flips, stand up tall, make yourself small.
Mother Bear: Time for bed.
Father Bear: Sleepy head.
Little Bear: The moon shines bright.
Father Bear: Say good night.
Little Bear: Good night..
Together: Good night little Bear.
Together: Little bear, Little Bear, sing a song. Ding dong ding dong, Little bear, Little Bear, run along. turn around, fall to the ground, dance on your toes, wriggle your nose, wiggle your hips, do front flips, stand up tall, make yourself small. The moon shines bright. Say good night.