Mrs Cooper: Oh, honey that ain’t going to work, but you keep trying. (To Raj) I made chicken, I hope that isn’t one of the animals that you people think is magic? You know, we have an Indian gentleman at our church, a Dr Patel, it’s a beautiful story, the lord spoke to him, and moved him to give us all 20% off on lasik, you know, those that needed it.

Leonard: That is a lovely story, um, are we going to do anything about Sheldon?

Mrs Cooper: Oh, we will, you have to take your time with Sheldon. His father, God rest his soul, used to say to me, Mary, you have to take your time with Sheldon.

that ain’t going to
【釋】that is not going to;" ain't" is a way of saying “am not,” “is not,” “are not,” “has not,” or “have not.” Many people consider “ain’t” to be incorrect.
ain't 是“am not,”“is not,” “are not,” “has not,” “have not的一種縮略
【例】We ain ' t interested in your love life , all right?
【例】Forget it. She ain't going to listen to anyone's advice.

【釋】 some kinds of food which, in some areas, are considered as something holy and musn't be eaten.
【例】The Indian never eat beef because cattle is considered as magic in their culture.

move him to
【釋】make him (somebody) do something.
【例】Nothing I said moved him to offer his help.

【釋】A refractive surgery procedure that reshapes the cornea.

god rest his soul
【釋】god bless him/his soul
【例】My favourite author is Hans Christian Andersen-God rest his soul-who was born into a poor family,but grew up to be one of the greatest writers of all times.

生活大爆炸S01E04 MJE美劇筆記:織娘Sheldon


作者@MJE美劇口語聯(lián)盟(Sharpay精注? Lily審校)