1.This town could use a bit of a wake-up call, don't you think?
Wake-up call = a warning = 敲響了警鐘
A warning
EX: The recent cases of sexual harassment in Shanghai? hopefully are a wake-up call to strengthen public safety.
2.Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?
√(Do you) ever notice….?
√(Do you) wanna go to the movies?
√(Do you) need to go to the bathroom?
√(Are you) having a bad day?
√(Will you) have dinner with me?
×(Will you) have dinner?
×(Will you) go to the grocery store?
3.Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?
Druggie: A drug addict
EX: The druggies in my town like to hang out near 7-11.
Attention whore: Someone who loves attention, someone who craves the spotlight (渴望聚光燈)
EX: Girls who like to 自拍 are attention whores, in my opinion.
In general, noun + whore = someone who loves said noun.? Gucci whore = someone who loves Gucci.?
4.She is big on texting.
To be big on sthg. = a fan of, enthusiastic about something = 熱愛
I’m not big on pig liver or cow tongue.
Europeans are really big on the World Cup.
I’m (not) a huge fan of dub step.