When you know more, you do better. When you're young, it's hard to do better when you don't know better. It takes years of mistakes and different experiences for people to really know what's best for them. That's why you always hear people talk about getting older and wiser — wisdom generally comes with the passage of time.

1. Be Good to Others: Keeping your word, being kind to others, and nurturing relationships is everything in the long run.

2. What Progress Means: Taking on a task and creating the best solution you can is progress.

3. Honesty Is the Best Policy: Tell the truth to everybody. Make personal integrity your mission.

4. Don't Stop Your Growth: Don't stop thinking and keep on learning. Find things you're passionate about. Try new things constantly. Comfort zones are the same as a jail cell.

5. Learn From the Best: Approach older people you admire and ask them if they would agree to be your mentors. You'd be surprised.

6. You're Worth It: You are worth as much as you think you are.

7. Be Realistic: Don't set unrealistic expectations for others or yourself and work to ensure expectations are clear.

8. A Different Person: Realize you will be a very different person when you're 45 than you were at 25.

9. Do Your Best: Be sure any work you produce with your name on it is the best you've got; it's a reflection of who you are.

10. You Only Live Once: Don't put off plans to do something crazy.

11. Be Yourself: Don't let the expectations of others define you.

12. Remember Names: Learn people's names and use them often when you talk to them.

13. Be Cautious: Keep your mouth shut around anyone you don't trust or know.

14. Be Brave: When something scares you, don't forget: everyone else is just as scared as you are.

15. No Regrets: Don't live with regrets. You can learn from everything that happens in your life and you often learn the most from the bad things.