夏日之末的青春吶喊:Last Day Of Summer-Action Item
在青春搖滾大行其道的歐美樂壇,從來不缺少帥氣的面龐,動感的旋律。美國流行搖滾樂隊Action Item并沒有英倫偶像團體One Direction聲名遠播,但五個大男孩的音樂卻絲毫不遜色,這首《Last Day of Summer》青春的氣息充盈感十足?;?、沙灘、海水、街道、嬉戲,無一不是令人愉悅的情景,搭配亙古不變的青春愛戀,讓人著實青春萌動了一回!
i wake you up
before the sun does
it’s the last one we’ll ever see
it’s my promise
just being honest
no one’s gonna take you away from me
it’s never easy
leaving your life and living a dream
i know it sounds crazy
asking you to disappear with me
if we don’t go home the sun won’t set
if we run right now we won’t regret
and we could close our eyes and just pretend
that it’s the last day of summer
and when the leaves fall down
we’ll be long gone
if you just stay right here
inside my arms
then tomorrow morning never comes
every day we have each other
will be the last of day summer
the city gets smaller
as we go further
making our way to obscurity
the world we once knew
is down to me and you
you’re the only light i’ll ever need
it’s never easy
leaving your life and living a dream
i know its sounds crazy
asking you to disappear with me
if we don’t go home the sun won’t set
if we run right now we won’t regret
and we could close our eyes and just pretend
that it’s the last day of summer
and when the leaves fall down
we’ll be long gone
if you just stay right here
inside my arms
then tomorrow morning never comes
every day we have each other
will be the last of day summer
if we don’t go home the sun won’t set
if we run right now we wont regret
and we could close our eyes and just pretend
that it’s the last day of summer
and when the leaves fall down
we’ll be long gone
if you just stay right here
inside my arms
then tomorrow morning never comes
every day we have each other
will be the last of day summer