喵星人征服世界:伯明翰冠軍貓展 貓咪大聚會
2012-12-01 10:30
Boasting lavishly decorated pens and exotic names like Bleugems Believe-in-me and Peter Purrfect, these are no ordinary moggies.
From a feline boasting a lustrous coat of perfectly coiffed fur, to a distinctive sphynx cat without so much as a solitary whisker, Birmingham played host to over a thousand pampered pets at the 2012 Supreme Championship Cat Show.
Cat-lovers from all over the country brought their furry friends to the NEC to enter them in the annual show, which is one of the biggest cat fancies in Europe.
Unusual: This sphynx cat was just one of the exotic breeds entered in the show, which is run by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.
Bundles of fluff: Doting cat owner Rosa Wardle shows off her pet Blue Snowman, left, while Yvette Barber holds up her Tabby Colourpoint Firecracker at the Supreme Championship Cat Show.
Pre-show prep: A cat named Peter Purrfect stretches ahead of the event.
Pampered: One of the entrants plays with its accessories inside its lavishly decorated pen.
Wacky: A cat named Bostin' Buddy is seen in its pen decorated with a tiger face at the show in Birmingham.
Hairless: The rare sphynx cat, one of many breeds spotted at the Supreme Championship Cat Show, is famous for its lack of coat.
Assessment: A judge inspects one of the pets entered in the Supreme Cat Show.
Travelling in style: Two of the entrants are pushed around in a double cat carrier on wheels, left, while Venus the Birman, right, shows off its impressive fangs.
Vying for the trophy: Pet owners brought their cats from all over the country to take part in the competition.
Burmese, Persian, Oriental and Siamese breeds were all entered into this year's contest.
This wide-eyed cat is an Australian Mist, which is still a relatively new breed in the UK.
A judge holds up a snow spotted Bengal cat for a closer look.