The photographer who captured the deeply controversial image of a New York City subway rider moments before he was hit and killed by a train claims there was nothing he could have done to pull the man off the tracks.
The image appeared on the front page of the New York Post Tuesday morning with the headline 'Doomed'.
Ki Suk Han, 58, can be seen looking at the train with his arms
outstretched he tries to heave himself out of its path.
Post freelance photographer R. Umar Abbasi — who had been waiting on the platform of the 49th Street station — ran toward the train, repeatedly firing off his flash to warn the operator.
“I just started running, running, hoping that the driver could see my flash,” said Abbasi, whose camera captured chilling shots of Suk’s tragic fight for his life.
“我不停地向駛來的列車方向奔跑,希望司機能看到我的閃光燈,” 阿巴西說。就是他用相機冷漠地拍下了韓奮力求生的照片。
The train slowed, but a dazed and bruised Han still wound up hopelessly caught between it and the platform as it came to a halt. A shaken Abbasi said the train “crushed him like a rag doll.”
Mr Abbasi has become the subject of intense outrage for shooting the pictures. Critics say he chose to snap the disturbing shots instead of helping Mr Han.
But Mr Abbasi said in an interview on NBC's Today show on Wednesday that he did everything he could to help. 'If this thing happened again with the same circumstances, whether I had a camera or not, and I was running toward him, there was no way I could have rescued Mr Han,' Mr Abbasi said.
Questions have been raised about the photographer's decision to snap pictures of the grim moment and of the newspaper's decision to splash them across the front page with the words: 'Pushed on the subway tracks this man is about to die.'
The suspect, Naeem Davis, was being questioned today in Manhattan, in connection to the grisly death of Mr Han, yesterday afternoon. The man was picked up on 50th Street near Seventh Avenue by a
transit police captain and ran over to grab him.
1993年,南非攝影師凱文·卡特赴叛亂中遍地餓殍的蘇丹拍攝,拍下了這副名為《饑餓的蘇丹》(The Starving Sudan )的爭議照片。畫面中一個蘇丹女童即將餓斃跪倒在地,而兀鷹正在女孩后方不遠處,虎視眈眈等候獵食女孩。
這張照片于1993年3月26日被美國《紐約時報》首家刊登,接著其他媒體很快將其傳遍世界,在各國人民中激起強烈反響。很多人都在批評指責攝影師凱文·卡特冷酷無情。1994年4月,卡特憑這張照片獲得了美國新聞界最高獎普利策新聞獎(The Pulitzer Prizes in journalism )。但僅在三個月后的7月27日,卡特被發(fā)現(xiàn)在他的小貨車內自殺,終年33歲。