克里斯汀出席私人放映會 緊身皮褲加紅色高跟秀性感
She is known for her grungy and often downright messy style, but on Friday night Kristen Stewart proved she is worthy of the title Hollywood A-lister with a sexy red carpet look.
With her hair styled, her make up perfectly done and a sleek ensemble, all eyes were on Kristen when she stepped out a San Francisco for a screening of her film On The Road.
Choosing to accentuate her lips against her alabaster skin with bright red lipstick, the 22-year-old looked like the impossibly beautiful vampire she plays in Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part II.
Kristen donned skin-tight leather pants which were cropped just above the ankle, a white T-shirt and a blazer at the Vanity Fair screening of her new flick at George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch.
Upping the simply chic outfit's sex appeal, the actress added red patent leather heels.
Despite being released around the world throughout the year, Kristen's On The Road is only being released in America on December 21 - more than six months since it first premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.
滬江娛樂快訊:美國當地時間12月7日星期五晚,電影《On The Road》的成員在舊金山Skywalker Ranch舉行了一個小型的私人放映會。當日鏡頭前最亮相的莫過于女主克里斯汀·斯圖爾特了。大紅色的嘴唇,只到腳踝上方的緊身皮褲外加紅色的高跟鞋使她整個人看上去既性感又大方。從斯圖爾特最近出席活動的裝扮來看,她越來越有大牌明星的范了!