The Walking Dead" has only been off the air for a week and fans are already craving new episodes like walkers crave flesh. Fortunately, AMC is doing what they can to satiate the hunger.

Andrew Lincoln teases that while Rick Grimes has become a "brutal, ruthless leader," he's going to meet his "match" in the Governor. And David Morrissey promises the Governor is about to become a "much more dangerous man" but hints that "redemption" may be possible.
Andrew Lincoln(男主Rick扮演者)說,在接下來的劇情中,Rick Grimes慢慢變成“殘暴、無情的隊伍領(lǐng)導人”的時候,他甚至會和Governor有些相似。而David Morrissey也跟我們保證說,Governor將會變成一個“更危險的人”,但是也可能會有“贖罪”的情況。

Danai Gurira reveals Michonne will begin to connect "with people a little more willingly," while Laurie Holden vows Andrea is "gonna persevere."
Danai Gurira說,Michonne將會變得更加愿意和別人交流,而Laurie Holden則表示,Andrea仍然“不知悔改”。