


Open up!
We've got a warrant for a Hector De la Taco.
You get ten seconds to get off my stoop.
Just take a step back and take a look at our schedule.
You ain't gonna believe this. We've got the wrong house.
I'm Celeste. I was hoping to acquire your services.
You got the wrong fellas.
Get my godson back from my ex-husband.
Carlos killed Rob's parents.
Rob has a trust that matures when he's 18.
Carlos will do anything to get it.
Why didn't you just kill him in the first place?
I tried.
Hell, man, it's a damn simple smash and grab.
What the hell happened?
They took the kid. Sorry boss.
OK, as long as you're sorry, I guess that's, that's all it matters, isn't it?
Let me tell you how this gonna end.
I send some really awful bitches to handle the situation.
Yeah, I guess you do the math, five whore assassins can't trump three mouth-breathing retards and a cripple.
Just get my boy back.
Here they come, boy.
Hey Rottweiler.
Why aren't they working for me?
No. No, indeed hell no.?
