《國土安全》狂攬金球獎 男主演大跳騎馬舞
2013-01-16 17:01
Damian Lewis has already demonstrated his 'Gangnam Style' prowess when he appeared on 'The Jonathan Ross Show' last year.
在去年做客《The Jonathan Ross Show》時,戴米安·路易斯(Damian Lewis)就秀了一段《江南Style》。
But after bagging a Golden Globe for his role in 'Homeland', the actor celebrated by treating party-goers to his version of Psy's famous routine as the after-show bashes got into full swing.
Damian was seen getting down to the worldwide smash hit with fellow actor Jackson Pace at the NBC, FOX and HBO party.
在NBC,FOX與HBO全明星派對上,戴米安與《國土安全》(Homeland)合作演員杰克遜·派斯(Jackson Pace)一同隨著鳥叔熱單的音樂舞動。
Earlier in the evening, he took home the awards for Best Actor in a Television Series, after last year being beaten to the title by Kelsey Grammer.
昨日,他奪得了金球獎最佳男演員獎,而一年前,他落敗給了凱爾?!じ裉m莫(Kelsey Grammer)
During his acceptance speech he called the nod a 'great perk' and dedicated it to his last mother Charlotte.
He said: "All of us on Homeland in the last 18 months have been on the most extraordinary journey. And to pick up a little treasure like this along the way is a great perk."Of course the best journeys are always shared, so I would like to share this with the best cast and crew working in TV today, sweltering out in intolerable heat in North Carolina."He continued: "Just before I go, I'd like to dedicate this to my mum, who I know is up there tonight looking down on me, bursting with pride and telling everyone up there all around her how well her son is doing in 'acting'."
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