滬江小編:對于商界精英們來說,閱讀《金融時報》(Financial Times)幾乎成了每天的必修課。FT文章以分析為主,邏輯嚴密,經常被各類考試用作考題。非常適合學習BEC、TOEIC、GRE、GMAT的考生來閱讀、練習。滬江小編精選FT上的雙語文章,配上獨家的學習指南,從詞匯、短語、句式、文化、翻譯等多方面來解讀,長期堅持,相信會對英語學習有所幫助。
原文閱讀:谷歌關閉Google Reader遭用戶反對
It was the kind of reaction usually reserved for when the presses at a venerable newspaper are switched off or a much-loved television series is scrapped.
Outrage reverberated across the internet and twittersphere on Wednesday after Google announced that Google Reader, its influential service collating feeds from news sites and blogs, would be shut later this year.
?“That giant ‘NOOOOOOOO’ sound is the internet’s reaction to Google’s most unpopular decision in – well, as far back as I can remember,” Pete Cashmore at Mashable, the social media news site, tweeted.
The irony was evident as the outpouring of indignation flowed through social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, services whose popularity contributed to the fate of the humble Reader.
Launched in 2005 before Twitter, the iPhone and apps, Google Reader provided a simple way for users to bring together feeds from news sites in an email-like inbox. Although lacking a conversational element, it became kind of an early social network with a deeply loyal community of users sharing articles and blogs.
As the internet became more consumer friendly, social media sites such as Twitter drew a broader audience with rapid news output, punchy exchanges and greater ease of use. Some content providers also limited the amount of material that could be accessed by Reader users.
In a post on the company’s blog, Google said Reader would be shut on July 1 as part of “spring cleaning”.
“We launched Google Reader in an effort to make it easy for people to discover and keep tabs on their favourite websites. While the product has a loyal following, over the years usage has declined,” the company said.
Though beloved by bloggers and news junkies, Reader has received little love from Google since a design refresh in October 2011. Instead, the search group has focused on Google Plus, the social network launched in June 2011 to compete with sites such as Facebook on a new social model for content.
Google does not disclose details on the usage of Reader. However, ComScore says use of the Google Reader mobile app in the US peaked at 665,000 unique visitors in October last year, falling to 492,000 in January. Twitter has 200m active registered users.
Much of the anger from Reader users stems from a large investment in time building their individualised service. For some, it was reminder that while they could use such a technology, they did not own it.
1.Word of the day
outrage?: a strong feeling of shock and anger 憤怒;義憤;憤慨。
ex:The judge's remarks caused public outrage.
anger 普通用詞,通常指因受到侮辱、損害、指責或頂撞所引起的憤怒。
outrage 表示行為上的殘暴引起的憤怒。
indignation 這種說法比較正式。指對錯誤、不公正之事產生的憤怒。popular indignation指民憤,而我們常說的“無名之火”叫做“pointless indignation”。
rage 側重于突然發(fā)作,難以控制的大怒。
wrath 是一個文學用詞,含義和anger相近,但語氣更強烈。
recentment 指的是積累已久的怨恨。
fury 語氣最強烈,指極端的氣憤,簡直快要瘋了。
還有一個有趣的詞叫bristle也可以表示憤怒的意思,這個詞的原意是剛毛;豬鬃。set up my bristles是否令你想到了中文中的“怒發(fā)沖冠”呢?怒發(fā)沖冠也可以說bristle with anger。
2.Phrase of the day
stem from: If?a condition or problem stems from something, it was caused originally by that thing. 起源于;來自;由……造成
ex:Much of the instability stems from the economic effects of the war.
3.Sentence of the day
It was the kind of reaction usually reserved for when the presses at a venerable newspaper are switched off or a much-loved television series is scrapped.
4.Cultural point of the day
Google Reader的前世今生。小編本人可以說是Google的忠實粉絲,由于眾所周知的原因,許多外國主流網(wǎng)站無法在國內打開,因此在很長一段時間內,Google Reader想必是很多和小編一樣的人獲取國外網(wǎng)站內容的方式之一。正如本文所分析的,Reader的失敗很大程度上要歸咎于Facebook、Twitter這樣的社交網(wǎng)站的快速崛起,“關注”按鈕成為了大眾獲取咨詢的主要方式。為了加強Reader的社交性和交互性,Google也曾在2011年給它加入了+1按鈕以和自家的Google+配對,但還是無法阻攔Reader走向滅亡。也許屬于RSS的時代已經過去,前不久,RSS協(xié)議規(guī)則的創(chuàng)造者之一、26歲的美國黑客Aaron Swartz因為受到法律壓力自殺身亡,這也許是個清晰的信號吧。不論如何,請讓我們向Google Reader以及RSS訂閱這個曾經改變了人們獲取資訊的方式的發(fā)明致以敬意。
5.Translation of the day
The irony was evident as the outpouring of indignation flowed through social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, services whose popularity contributed to the fate of the humble Reader.
非常有諷刺意味的是,人們用以表達憤怒的工具恰恰是Twitter和 Facebook等社交網(wǎng)站,而這類網(wǎng)站的流行卻是導致Reader命運不濟的部分原因。
小編注:此句中有兩處“加詞”的例子。第一處在前半句,原文中的主語是outpouring of indignation,然而這并不是一個合適的主語,誰的憤怒呢?譯文中改為了“人們用以表達憤怒的工具”,語句就通順的多了,英文中經常會省略主語或以抽象名詞作為主語,這時最好能將其主語補完。后半句也是如此,譯文中根據(jù)句意補充了“這類網(wǎng)站”作為主語。