Tom Hiddleston is rumoured to be in talks to take the lead role in The Crow.

Hiddleston has entered into discussions to star as Eric Draven, aka The Crow, in Relativity Media's remake of the 1994 film based on the James O'Barr comic series.

Sources close to the project told The Wrap that Hiddleston recently had dinner with producers and sent them his own make-up test to create The Crow's iconic look. A formal make-up test will be carried out in the coming days.
有知情人士告訴The Wrap,希德勒斯頓最近和制片人一起用餐,并把他自己制作的《烏鴉》定妝照發(fā)給了制片人,而正式的試鏡將在隨后幾天開始。

Brandon Lee played the role of Draven, a man who returns from the grave to avenge his death, in the original film. He died aged 28 after an accidental shooting on set.

Hiddleston was recently confirmed to star opposite Gemma Arterton in Robert Capa biopic Capa.