450)=450"> 450)=450"> 每天18:00準時更新 全文聽寫,英式拼法 450)=450"> [color=#408080]HINTS John Joe [/color]
What about John and Joe? Did you discipline them? Not really. You know, they're just kids. They don't really know better. Well, I hate to disagree with you, but I really think you have to teach them what they can and can't do. If you don't, you'll have a lot more of the same embarrassing incidences. I'm kind of afraid that they won't be able to handle a strict approach. They're so small. If my children are anything to go by, I'm certain that they can learn even from a small age. I remember when my kids were young, I used to go bonkers too. Then, another mom told me I should set the limits. You know, like tell them what is okay and what is not okay. Then, I had to be ready to enforce the boundaries. And, if the kids went over the boundary, I had to be consistent in disciplining them. What exactly do you mean by disciplining them? Well, it depended on their age. When they were young, I would just restrain them for a while.
那約翰和喬呢?你有沒有懲罰他們? 沒有。你知道,他們只是孩子,他們并不知道怎樣做才對。 嗯,我不想否認你,但我還是認為你得教他們是與非。如果你總是放縱他們,你恐怕還得面對更多這種尷尬場面。 我有點擔心他們不能接受太嚴格的手段。他們太小了。 按照我的經(jīng)驗,孩子們應該從小就從錯誤中吸取教訓。我記得我孩子很小的時候,我也非常寵溺他們。后來有一位母親告訴我應該對他們施與管教。你懂的,比如告訴他們這樣做可以,那樣做不妥之類的。然后,我開始規(guī)范他們的行為,如果他們有越矩之行,我就懲罰他們。 那你說的“懲罰”到底是什么? 嗯,這取決于他們的年齡。我孩子小的時候,我只是管束他們一會兒。 ——譯文來自: XposedShell