How to be a great father? 每個爸爸都有自己不同的看法~ Hints: Ah we're gonna- buddy 注:全文聽寫。
What's the key to being a great dad? Ah, that's a tough one. Giving them the freedom to be whatever they want to be. Right. Exactly. Whether that's a painter, a poet, a pilot, a president. And for us, we're gonna- of a company or of a country. Patience. Well, be their buddy. That's your answer? And stay in school. No. And don't do drugs. No! Just give me the answer. Oh, God. Still thinking.
成為一個偉大的爸爸的關鍵是什么? 這還真不好說。 他們可以自由的做任何他們想做的事情。 嗯哼。沒錯。 無論他們是想當個畫家、詩人還是主席... 對于我們來說 公司主席甚至說是國家主席 耐心 嗯..成為他們的哥們兒 這就是你的答案么? 以及保持童心 不~ 不能嗑藥 也不是 那你告訴我怎么才是 我了個去... 嗯..還沒想好 by: 灌心餅干