
This is AP News Minute.?
Vice President Joe Biden tried to console the parents of slain MIT police officer Sean Collier today. Biden was one of thousands of mourners attending Collier's memorial service. Authorities say Collier was shot by the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings.?
Thousands of sandbags are holding back floodwaters in Peoria, Illinois. Officials say the Illinois River finally crested at a record-breaking 29 feet. Floods and evacuations are hitting Midwestern communities from Missouri to Michigan.?
Rescuers in Bangladesh are trying to free dozens of people trapped in a collapsed garment factory building. At least 87 people have already died. The disaster comes less than five months after a factory fire killed 112 people.?
Footage of Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon in handcuffs has been released. The star was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge for exiting a car while her husband was given a field sobriety test.?

Rita Foley, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.?
