A newborn baby has been allegedly burned to death after reportedly left in a faulty incubator in a Chinese hospital. Graphic pictures of the scorched 12-day old infant have been made public after being released on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter.

The pictures are so graphic that all the online news sites that have accessed them from the Weibo, have blurred out the most burned areas. News reports claim the child died from an 'horrific accident' at Quanzhou Children’s Hospital in Quanzhou, Fujian province.

reports the baby was placed in an incubator overnight as a precaution since the tiny tot had a cold, according to relatives.The news service says the child was left overnight in an incubator which had heat pads that were far too hot, 'searing the meat off his back'.

It describes the death as an apparent 'horrific accident'. Hospital staff, including nurses from the ward, have refused to speak to the media.

According to Chinese news site Guiyang News, the hospital is so far refusing to accept responsibility for the baby's death.