尼基塔:S01E01(02) Micheal招募Alex
M:Evening, Alex. It is Alex, right? Never Alexandra. A:Who are you? Where am I? M:Well, you're not in prison anymore.You're not even in Michigan. Although we're the only ones that know that....
looking to go to New Jersey's Round Valley State Park? (It features "swimming, boating and camping in summer!) Just don't use Google Maps to get there, as you may end up at Laurie Gneiding's hous
詩歌If If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting...
對話形式Do you have time to stop for lunch? Yes, I'm hungry. This restaurant has a good selection and the prices are moderate. That sounds fine with me. Let's try it. Where do you want ...