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XNDkzMDc2MTI4/ 背景:leonard和Penny因Penny前男友Justin借住吵架,Sheldon去餐廳勸說Penny。 句末標點不用寫 -Penny: Sheldon, but this really isn't about you. -Sheldon: (1) . -Penny: ah, yeah, I'll be right there. Look, Sheldon, I have to go. -Sheldon: All right, let's assume, ad argumentum, that in this case, Leonard is wrong. -Penny: Leonard is wrong. -Sheldon: Considering the number of transgressions, you've committed that he's overlooked. Don't you think that, just this once, (2) ? -Penny: I'm coming. Good-bye, Sheldon. -Penny: What do you mean, transgressions I've committed? -Sheldon: (3) ? -Penny: Like what?! Yeah, yeah, I see you. (4) . I got it. (5) . What does Leonard complain about? -Sheldon: Your driving. The plethora of stuffed animals on your bed that stare at him during your amorous activities. Your constant tardiness, your singing. -Penny: My singing? -Sheldon: (6) . But Leonard would be a fool if he didn't agree with it. -Penny: Okay, if Leonard has so many problems with me, Why hasn't he just said so? -Sheldon: Because, according to him, (7) . -Penny: Oh, really? Well, then, do me a favor and tell Leonard that he can drop dead! -Sheldon: (8) .
I don't follow you could return the favor Were you under the impression that Leonard has no complaints about you You're making a little check sign in the air Just hold you horses That's actually from my list you're oversensitive and have a temper And she wonders why she's constantly undertipped
謝爾頓 但這真的與你無關 我不懂 我馬上來 聽著 謝爾頓 我得走了 好吧 那我假設 當然是謬誤論證 在這情況下 是萊納德錯了 就是他的錯 考慮到以前他對你的出軌行為 視而不見的次數(shù) 你就不能考慮下 就這次 算是回報他嗎 我就來 再見 謝爾頓 什么叫我的出軌行為 啥意思 你還以為萊納德 對你都毫無怨念嗎 啥 喂那邊的 我看到你了 你對著空氣劃了一個勾 知道了 耐心點別吵 萊納德抱怨我什么 你駕駛技術(shù)差勁 你床上的布絨玩偶太多了 兩人親熱的時候一直盯著他 你老是遲到 還有你的唱歌水平 我唱歌的水平 這其實是我的看法之一 但萊納德會不同意我才怪呢 如果萊納德對我有這么多意見 他干嘛不直接了當?shù)卣f出來 因為在他看來 你脾氣大又容易動怒 是嗎 那拜托你幫個忙 告訴萊納德 他好去死了 難怪她總是小費拿得少