?就在這個早晨 Luke跟Alex開始為非洲建學(xué)校而做出自己的努力 而Haley卻失戀了。。。。?

? ? ? ? ? ?parents...
? ? ? ? ? ?Dylan
? ? ? ? ? ?I just--??

What are you doing with those? Luke and I are doing a recycling drive. If we collect enough bottles, they build a school in Africa. Wouldn't that be so cool to go to a school made out of bottles? That would certainly be a special school. Did you hear what I said, parents... Okay, nobody make a big deal about it, but I just broke up with Dylan. No! Oh, my gosh. Are you okay, honey? Yeah, I'm fine. I just -- I need to date someone who has a clue instead of an idiot who bangs his head every time he rides his bike out of his garage. Every time. I'm sorry, honey. I'm sorry for both of you.
你拿這些東西干嘛? 我跟Luke正在做廢舊物品回收~ 只要我們收集足夠的瓶子他們就在非洲建一所學(xué)校~ ╮(╯▽╰)╭在瓶子搭建的學(xué)校里上課那多棒啊 嗯哼 那絕對是“特殊學(xué)?!?爸媽明白我的意思了吧~ 嘿大家都不要驚訝 我跟Dylan分手了 哦~ 不是吧!你還好么寶貝兒 嗯哼我很好 主要是我覺著我得跟一個靠譜的人約會而不是每次騎個自行車都會把頭撞到車庫的傻瓜 每次?。?! 哦 太遺憾了寶貝兒 真為你倆感到遺憾 By: 灌心餅干