

What can the police do if when a crime is committed no one comes forward?
The man who attack me is a stupid dog. 1__________.
He came up from behind and he started to rape me.
But then I turned around and I started hitting him.
And that's when I saw he was wearing a dress.
A dress. I couldn't believe it.
I laughed in his face. 3_____________.
He was so scared. He ran away like a little boy.
When did this happen, Milagros?
2 years ago.
If you weren't afraid of this man, why didn't you report him?
I told you what good would it do?
She claimed it happened 2 years ago, in August.
The first murder happened in September.
So 4___________________________.
Or she could've been the stressor.
You say this woman laughed in his face, hit him, called him a woman.
Could've been enough to make him impotent.
He tries to rape again and all he can hear is this woman laughing.
Maybe he thought he could rape older women.
Thought they'd be easier, 5_____________, so he tries.
But he can't. He gets frustrated, he kills her, and then he finds the release that he was looking for.
So he kills again.
Excuse me.
Send them in.
You wanted us to come forward? There are 6 more women who were raped by this man. Now prove to us it will finally do some good.
He's a coward I scratched him, I made him bleed I called him a pathetic woman she could've been the last one who was raped before whatever stressor made him kill wouldn't put up a fight