Arya Stark

Arya Stark (Game of Thrones)

Always the tomboy, Arya got a haircut to match her personality after escaping the evil clutches of the Lannisters and is currently traversing the countryside as an orphan boy named Arry.

Barney Stinson

Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother)

The legen — wait for it — dary lothario has adopted hundreds of fake personas, from astronauts to women, all in the quest to have as many one-night stands as possible.

Emily Thorne

Emily Thorne (Revenge)

To punish the people who falsely imprisoned her father, Amanda Clarke assumed the Emily Thorne identity and embraced the red Sharpie lies required to get her ultimate revenge.

Nicholas Brody

Nicholas Brody (Homeland)

After eight years in Afghanistan captivity, the P.O.W. returned to America with a major secret: he was now a sleeper agent with the singular goal of decimating the executive office.

Frank Underwood

Frank Underwood (House of Cards)

D.C.’s preeminent puppetmaster lied, cheated and murdered his way to the Vice Presidency, which is, as he creepily reminds you, “one heartbeat away from the presidency and not a single vote cast in my name.”

Dan Humphrey

Dan Humphrey (Gossip Girl)

“Who Is Gossip Girl?” The CW’s soapy dramedy teased that question for six seasons before revealing in the 2012 finale that Dan Humphrey had been behind the bitchy blog all along.
“誰是緋聞女孩? ” 在這部CW的肥皂劇中,整整六季里這個問題一直被提起,直到2012年大結(jié)局才揭示了丹·漢弗萊其實一直是這個惡毒博客的始作俑者。

Don Draper

Don Draper (Mad Men)

Every word out of the ad man’s mouth should be questioned (his name isn’t even Don Draper, it’s Dick Whitman) as every syllable is expertly designed to sell you on his products, his persona, or his principles.

Benjamin Linus

Benjamin Linus (Lost)

Given the fact he murdered hundreds of DHARMA employees, staged a coup, and established his own cult-like community on the memory-manipulating island, it’s no surprise even Ben had trouble separating fact from fiction.

Saul Goodman

Saul Goodman (Breaking Bad)

There’s a reason New Mexico’s biggest criminals know they “Better Call Saul!” He’s the only man who will happily conceal their crimes … and facilitate some additional “business opportunities” for good measure.