-- Forget it. __1__. Look, I get that you're a scientist, __2__.
-- Look, this guy, __3__. Whatever it is, it's buried it deep. And there's a connection to your government somewhere. I'm telling you, you gotta let me dig it out of him.
-- Well, __4__?
-- Yeah. CIA, or related. __5__, or he's just been out here too long and he's flipped to the other side.
-- __6__, Doc.
-- Look, you already proved smarter than that when you axed plan "A." __7__, pal, or I'm on the first donkey out of here, all right?
-- Whatever he is, __8__, I don't care. I need accurate detail from him, and I need it yesterday.
-- Yeah, yeah. No, you're right. Sod the science. __9__. Well, at least I'll get home in time for my daughter's Christmas party. I'm serious. Weapon please.