007重磅回歸 《量子危機》褒貶不一

5. Moonraker

Bond: “Miss Anders… I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.”

4. Goldfinger
(After dropping a lamp into a bathtub to electrocute a henchman.)
Bond: “Shocking! Positively shocking!”

3. Diamonds are Forever
Tiffany Case: “I’ll finish dressing.”
James Bond as Peter Franks: “Oh please don’t, not on my account.”

2. Goldfinger
Bond: “Who are you?”
Pussy: “My name is Pussy Galore.”
Bond: “I must be dreaming.”

1. You Only Live Twice
Tiger Tanaka: “Rule number two; in Japan, men come first, women come second.”
Bond: “I just might retire here.”
