16. Be prepared to change your mind

The way you think and whether you can think on your feet is much more important than coming up with the definitive answer – which in most cases doesn’t exist.

“I was asked to review a passage from Othello, and went straight in, guns blazing, about the clever punctuation and the impressive effect it had only to be told that it wasn't actually Shakespeare's original punctuation. ‘Aha! Look - here is a copy of the original Folio and the punctuation is different you see! What else did you think?’ I was deflated and terrified having never even heard of the 'folio’”, says one student – who did get a place.


After the interview

17. Don’t worry about what other people say

Try to avoid conversations with other candidates about what happened in their interview. No two experiences will be the same and you’ll just end up worrying that they did or didn’t ask you something.


18. Be prepared for more

The Oxbridge entrance system means that you could be called for an interview at another college. This is nothing to worry about and isn’t necessarily a sign you haven’t got in to your college of choice.

The tutor may want a second opinion or think you are a bright candidate but just doesn’t have space for you. Likewise if you don’t get another interview it doesn’t necessarily mean you have fallen at the last hurdle – they may have just decided you are strong enough to get straight in.

Laura O’Connor says: “Don’t worry if they keep you on for an extra day – I sat nervously as they dismissed people at the end of the Tuesday, stayed overnight and huddled into the Geography faculty on the Wednesday to sit on a sofa by a fire all day, and in the end I wasn’t called for any extra interviews," but she did get a place.



19. Congratulate yourself on having got through it

Getting through an Oxbridge interview with all your faculties still in tact is a reason to be proud. So don’t berate yourself by replaying what you said or didn’t say, just enjoy the fact that it’s over.


20. Don’t set all your hopes on getting in

Finally, don't get too worked up about it and don’t place all your hopes for future happiness on a place at Oxbridge.

Wherever you go to university you will have three unique years in a place you are likely to count among the best in the world.
