
Napoleon Bonaparte

St Helena


Count Emmanuel de las Cases

National Maritime Museum


Napoleon Bonaparte was keen to learn English while in exile, documents shown in Britain for the first time reveal. The deposed French emperor apparently wanted to learn the language of his foes, so he could read what the London papers were writing about him. Scraps of paper from his English lessons in captivity on the island of St Helena, go on show at London's National Maritime Museum on Thursday. They include lines of French haltingly translated by Napoleon into English. Count Emmanuel de las Cases, who accompanied the emperor into exile after he surrendered to the English at the Battle of Waterloo, wrote about his desire to learn the language in his memoirs. According to him, Napoleon had his first lesson on January 17, 1816, when he asked las Cases to dictate to him some sentences in French, which he then translated, using a table of auxiliary verbs and a dictionary.
拿破侖?波拿巴在流放期間曾熱衷于學習英語。 最近在英國展出的歷史文獻首次披露,很顯然,這位當時已遭到罷黜的法國皇帝想要學習敵人的語言,這樣就可以閱讀倫敦報紙上有關(guān)他的報道。 拿破侖在被囚禁于圣赫勒拿島期間學習英語的幾張碎紙片將于周四在倫敦國立海事博物館展出。 上面還有幾行從法語譯過來的磕磕絆絆的英文。 伊曼紐爾?卡斯伯爵在回憶錄中寫道,拿破侖非常想學習語言。滑鐵盧戰(zhàn)役慘敗后,卡斯伯爵和拿破侖一同被流放到圣赫勒拿島。 據(jù)卡斯伯爵說,拿破侖于1816年1月17日開始了他的第一節(jié)英語課, 當時拿破侖要求卡斯用法語口述幾個句子, 當時拿破侖要求卡斯用法語口述幾個句子,然后他借助一本詞典和一個助動詞表將其翻譯成英語。