第四十一條 提起訴訟應當符合下列條件:
Article 41 The following requirements shall be met when a suit is brought:
(1) the plaintiff must be a citizen, a legal person or any other organization that considers a specific administrative act to have infringed upon his or its lawful rights and interests;
(2) there must be a specific defendant or defendants;
(3) there must be a specific claim and a corresponding factual basis for the suit;
and (4) the suit must fall within the scope of cases acceptable to the people's courts and the specific jurisdiction of the people's court where it is filed.
第四十二條 人民法院接到起訴狀,經審查,應當在七日內立案或者作出裁定不予受理。原告對裁定不服的,可以提起上訴。
Article 42 When a people's court receives a bill of complaint, it shall, upon examination, file a case within seven days or decide to reject the complaint. If the plaintiff refuses to accept the decision, he may appeal to a people's court.
第七章 審理和判決
Chapter VII Trial and Judgment
第四十三條 人民法院應當在立案之日起五日內,將起訴狀副本發(fā)送被告。
Article 43 A people's court shall send a copy of the bill of complaint to the defendant within five days of filing the case.
The defendant shall provide the people's court with the documents on the basis of which a specific administrative act has been undertaken and file a bill of defence within ten days of receiving the copy of the bill of complaint.
The people's court shall send a copy of the bill of defence to the plaintiff within five days of receiving it.
Failure by the defendant to file a bill of defence shall not prevent the case from being tried by the people's court.
第四十四條 訴訟期間,不停止具體行政行為的執(zhí)行。但有下列情形之一的,停止具體行政行為的執(zhí)行:
Article 44 During the time of legal proceedings, execution of the specific administrative act shall not be suspended. Execution of the specific administrative act shall be suspended under one of the following circumstances:
(1) where suspension is deemed necessary by the defendant;
(2) where suspension of execution is ordered by the people's court at the request of the plaintiff because, in the view of the people's court, execution of the specific administrative act will cause irremediable losses and suspension of the execution will not harm public interests;
?or (3) where suspension of execution is required by the provisions of laws or regulations.
第四十五條 人民法院公開審理行政案件,但涉及國家秘密、個人隱私和法律另有規(guī)定的除外。
Article 45 Administrative cases in the people's courts shall be tried in public, except for those that involve state secrets or the private affairs of individuals or are otherwise provided for by law.
第四十六條 人民法院審理行政案件,由審判員組成合議庭,或者由審判員、陪審員組成合議庭。合議庭的成員,應當是三人以上的單數。
Article 46 Administrative cases in the people's courts shall be tried by a collegial panel of judges or of judges and assessors. The number of members of a collegial panel shall be an odd number of three or more.
第四十七條 當事人認為審判人員與本案有利害關系或者有其他關系可能影響公正審判,有權申請審判人員回避。
Article 47 If a party considers a member of the judicial personnel to have an interest in the case or to be otherwise related to it, which may affect the impartial handling of the case, the party shall have the right to demand his withdrawal.
If a member of the judicial personnel considers himself to have an interest in the case or to be otherwise related to it, he shall apply for withdrawal.
The provisions of the two preceding paragraphs shall apply to court clerks, interpreters, expert witnesses and persons who conduct inquests.
The withdrawal of the president of the court as the chief judge shall be decided by the court's adjudication committee;
the withdrawal of a member of the judicial personnel shall be decided by the president of the court; the withdrawal of other personnel shall be decided by the chief judge.
Parties who refuse to accept the decision may apply for reconsideration.
第四十八條 經人民法院兩次合法傳喚,原告無正當理由拒不到庭的,視為申請撤訴;被告無正當理由拒不到庭的,可以缺席判決。
Article 48 If the plaintiff refuses to appear in court without justified reasons after being twice legally summoned by the people's court, the court shall consider this an application for the withdrawal of the suit; if the defendant refuses to appear in court without justified reasons, the court may make a judgment by default.
第四十九條 訴訟參與人或者其他人有下列行為之一的,人民法院可以根據情節(jié)輕重,予以訓誡、責令具結悔過或者處一千元以下的罰款、十五日以下的拘留;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任:
Article 49 If a participant in the proceedings or any other person commits any of the following acts, the people's court may, according to the seriousness of his offence, reprimand him, order him to sign a statement of repentance or impose upon him a fine of not more than 1,000 yuan or detain him for not longer than 15 days; if a crime is constituted, his criminal responsibility shall be investigated:
(1) evading without reason, refusing to assist in or obstructing the execution of the notice of a people's court for assistance in its execution by a person who has the duty to render assistance;
(2) forging, concealing or destroying evidence;
(3) instigating, suborning or threatening others to commit perjury or hindering witnesses from giving testimony;
(4) concealing, transferring, selling or destroying the property that has been sealed up, seized or frozen;
(5) using violence, threats or other means to hinder the personnel of a people's court from performing their duties or disturbing the order of the work of a people's court;
or (6) insulting, slandering, framing, beating or retaliating against the personnel of a people's court, participants in proceedings or personnel who assist in the execution of duties;
A fine or detention must be approved by the president of a people's court. Parties who refuse to accept the punishment decision may apply for reconsideration.
第五十條 人民法院審理行政案件,不適用調解。
Article 50 A people's court shall not apply conciliation in handling an administrative case.
第五十一條 人民法院對行政案件宣告判決或者裁定前,原告申請撤訴的,或者被告改變其所作的具體行政行為,原告同意并申請撤訴的,是否準許,由人民法院裁定。
Article 51 Before a people's court announces its judgment or order on an administrative case, if the plaintiff applies for the withdrawal of the suit, or if the defendant amends its specific administrative act and, as a result, the plaintiff agrees and applies for the withdrawal of the suit, the people's court shall decide whether or not to grant the approval.
第五十二條 人民法院審理行政案件,以法律和行政法規(guī)、地方性法規(guī)為依據。地方性法規(guī)適用于本行政區(qū)域內發(fā)生的行政案件。
Article 52 In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall take the law, administrative rules and regulations and local regulations as the criteria. Local regulations shall be applicable to administrative cases within the corresponding administrative areas.
In handling administrative cases of a national autonomous area, the people's courts shall also take the regulations on autonomy and separate regulations of the national autonomous area as the criteria.
第五十三條 人民法院審理行政案件,參照國務院部、委根據法律和國務院的行政法規(guī)、決定、命令制定、發(fā)布的規(guī)章以及省、自治區(qū)、直轄市和省、自治區(qū)的人民政府所在地的市和經國務院批準的較大的市的人民政府根據法律和國務院的行政法規(guī)制定、發(fā)布的規(guī)章。
Article 53 In handling administrative cases, the people's courts shall take, as references, regulations formulated and announced by ministries or commissions under the State Council in accordance with the law and administrative rules and regulations, decisions or orders of the State Council and regulations formulated and announced, in accordance with the law and administrative rules and regulations of the State Council, by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, of the cities where the people's governments of provinces and autonomous regions are located, and of the larger cities approved as such by the State Council.
If a people's court considers regulations formulated and announced by a local people's government to be inconsistent with regulations formulated and announced by a ministry or commission under the State Council, or if it considers regulations formulated and announced by ministries or commissions under the State Council to be inconsistent with each other, the Supreme People's Court shall refer the matter to the State Council for interpretation or ruling.
第五十四條 人民法院經過審理,根據不同情況,分別作出以下判決:
Article 54 After hearing a case, a people's court shall make the following judgments according to the varying conditions:
(1) If the evidence for undertaking a specific administrative act is conclusive, the application of the law and regulations to the act is correct, and the legal procedure is complied with, the specific administrative act shall be sustained by judgment.
(2) If a specific administrative act has been undertaken in one of the following circumstances, the act shall be annulled or partially annulled by judgment, or the defendant may be required by judgment to undertake a specific administrative act anew:
a. inadequacy of essential evidence;
b. erroneous application of the law or regulations;
c. violation of legal procedure;
d. exceeding authority;
or e. abuse of powers.
(3) If a defendant fails to perform or delays the performance of his statutory duty, a fixed time shall be set by judgment for his performance of the duty.
(4) If an administrative sanction is obviously unfair, it may be amended by judgment.
第五十五條 人民法院判決被告重新作出具體行政行為的,被告不得以同一的事實和理由作出與原具體行政行為基本相同的具體行政行為。
Article 55 A defendant who has been judged by a people's court to undertake a specific administrative act anew must not, based on the same fact and reason, undertake a specific administrative act essentially identical with the original act.
第五十六條 人民法院在審理行政案件中,認為行政機關的主管人員、直接責任人員違反政紀的,應當將有關材料移送該行政機關或者其上一級行政機關或者監(jiān)察、人事機關;
Article 56 In handling administrative cases, if a people's court considers the head of an administrative organ or the person directly in charge to have violated administrative discipline, it shall transfer the relevant materials to the administrative organ or the administrative organ at the next higher level or to a supervisory or personnel department;
if a people's court considers the person to have committed a crime, it shall transfer the relevant materials to the public security and procuratorial organs.
第五十七條 人民法院應當在立案之日起三個月內作出第一審判決。
Article 57 A people's court shall pass a judgment of first instance within three months from the day of filing the case.
Extent of the time limit necessitated by special circumstances shall be approved by a higher people's court, extent of the time limit for handling a case of first instance by a higher people's court, extent of the time limit for handling a case of first instance by a higher people's court shall be approved by the Supreme People's Court.
第五十八條 當事人不服人民法院第一審判決的,有權在判決書送達之日起十五日內向上一級人民法院提起上訴。
Article 58 If a party refuses to accept a judgment of first instance by a people's court, he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people's court at the next higher level within 15 days of the serving of the written judgment.
If a party refuses to accept an order of first instance by a people's court, he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people's court at the next higher level within 10 days of the serving of the written order.
All judgments and orders of first instance by a people's court that have not been appealed within the prescribed time limit shall be legally effective.
第五十九條 人民法院對上訴案件,認為事實清楚的,可以實行書面審理。
Article 59 A people's court may handle an appealed case by examining the court records, if it considers the facts clearly ascertained.
第六十條 人民法院審理上訴案件,應當在收到上訴狀之日起兩個月內作出終審判決。
Article 60 In handling an appealed case, a people's court shall make a final judgment within two months from the day of receiving the appeal.
Extent of the time limit necessitated by special circumstances shall be approved by a higher people's court, extent of the time limit for handling an appealed case by a higher people's court shall be approved by the Supreme People's Court.
第六十一條 人民法院審理上訴案件,按照下列情形,分別處理:
Article 61 A people's court shall handle an appealed case respectively according to the conditions set forth below:
(1) if the facts are clearly ascertained and the law and regulations are correctly applied in the original judgment, the appeal shall be rejected and the original judgment sustained;
(2) if the facts are clearly ascertained but the law and regulations are incorrectly applied in the original judgment, the judgment shall be amended according to the law and regulations;
?or (3) if the facts are not clearly ascertained in the original judgment or the evidence is insufficient, or a violation of the prescribed procedure may have affected the correctness of the original judgment, the original judgment shall be rescinded and the case remanded to the original people's court for retrial, or the people's court of the second instance may amend the judgment after investigating and clarifying the facts.
The parties may appeal against the judgment or order rendered in a retrial of their case.
第六十二條 當事人對已經發(fā)生法律效力的判決、裁定,認為確有錯誤的,可以向原審人民法院或者上一級人民法院提出申訴,但判決、裁定不停止執(zhí)行。
Article 62 If a party considers that a legally effective judgment or order contains some definite error, he may make complaints to the people's court which tried the case or to a people's court at a higher level, but the execution of the judgment or order shall not be suspended.
第六十三條 人民法院院長對本院已經發(fā)生法律效力的判決、裁定,發(fā)現違反法律、法規(guī)規(guī)定認為需要再審的,應當提交審判委員會決定是否再審。
Article 63 If the president of a people's court finds a violation of provisions of the law or regulations in a legally effective judgment or order of his court and deems it necessary to have the case retried, he shall refer the matter to the adjudication committee, which shall decide whether a retrial is necessary.
If a people's court at a higher level finds a violation of provisions of the law or regulations in a legally effective judgment or order of a people's court at a lower level, it shall have the power to bring the case up for trial itself or direct the people's court at the lower level to conduct a retrial.
第六十四條 人民檢察院對人民法院已經發(fā)生法律效力的判決、裁定,發(fā)現違反法律、法規(guī)規(guī)定的,有權按照審判監(jiān)督程序提出抗訴。
Article 64 If the people's procuratorate finds a violation of provisions of the law or regulations in a legally effective judgement or order of a people's court, it shall have the right to lodge a protest in accordance with procedures of judicial supervision.
第八章 執(zhí) 行
Chapter VII Execution
第六十五條 當事人必須履行人民法院發(fā)生法律效力的判決、裁定。
Article 65 The parties must perform the legally effective judgment or order of the people's court.
If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization refuses to perform the judgment or order, the administrative organ may apply to a people's court of first instance for compulsory execution or proceed with compulsory execution according to law.
If an administrative organ refuses to perform the judgment or order, the people's court of first instance may adopt the following measures:
(1) informing the bank to transfer from the administrative organ's account the amount of the fine that should be returned or the damages that should be paid;
(2) imposing a fine of 50 to 100 yuan per day on an administrative organ that fails to perform the judgment or order within the prescribed time limit, counting from the day when the time limit expires;
(3) putting forward a judicial proposal to the administrative organ superior to the administrative organ in question or to a supervisory or personnel department; the organ or department that accepts the judicial proposal shall deal with the matter in accordance with the relevant provisions and inform the people's court of its disposition;
and (4) if an administrative organ refuses to execute a judgment or order, and the circumstances are so serious that a crime is constituted, the head of the administrative organ and the person directly in charge shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
第六十六條 公民、法人或者其他組織對具體行政行為在法定期間不提起訴訟又不履行的,行政機關可以申請人民法院強制執(zhí)行,或者依法強制執(zhí)行。
Article 66 If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization, during the period prescribed by law, neither brings a suit nor carries out the specific administrative act, the administrative organ may apply to a people's court for compulsory execution, or proceed with compulsory execution according to law.
第九章 侵權賠償責任
Chapter IX Liability for Compensation for Infringement of Rights
第六十七條 公民、法人或者其他組織的合法權益受到行政機關或者行政機關工作人員作出的具體行政行為侵犯造成損害的,有權請求賠償。
Article 67 A citizen, a legal person or any other organization who suffers damage because of the infringement upon his or its lawful rights and interests by a specific administrative act of an administrative organ or the personnel of an administrative organ, shall have the right to claim compensation.
If a citizen, a legal person or any other organization makes an independent claim for damages, the case shall first be dealt with by an administrative organ.
Anyone who refuses to accept the disposition by the administrative organ may file a suit in a people's court.
Conciliation may be applied in handling a suit for damages.
第六十八條 行政機關或者行政機關工作人員作出的具體行政行為侵犯公民、法人或者其他組織的合法權益造成損害的,由該行政機關或者該行政機關工作人員所在的行政機關負責賠償。
Article 68 If a specific administrative act undertaken by an administrative organ or the personnel of an administrative organ infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, a legal person or any other organization and causes damage, the administrative organ or the administrative organ to which the above-mentioned personnel belongs shall be liable for compensation.
After paying the compensation, the administrative organ shall instruct those members of its personnel who have committed intentional or gross mistakes in the case to bear part or all of the damages.
第六十九條 賠償費用,從各級財政列支。各級人民政府可以責令有責任的行政機關支付部分或者全部賠償費用。具體辦法由國務院規(guī)定。
Article 69 The cost of compensation shall be included as an expenditure in the government budget at various levels. The people's governments at various levels may order the administrative organs responsible for causing the compensation to bear part or all of the damages. The specific measures thereof shall be formulated by the State Council.
第十章 涉外行政訴訟
Chapter X Administrative Procedure Involving Foreign Interests
第七十條 外國人、無國籍人、外國組織在中華人民共和國進行行政訴訟,適用本法。法律另有規(guī)定的除外。
Article 70 This Law shall be applicable to foreign nationals, stateless persons and foreign organizations that are engaged in administrative suits in the People's Republic of China, except as otherwise provided for by law.
第七十一條 外國人、無國籍人、外國組織在中華人民共和國進行行政訴訟,同中華人民共和國公民、組織有同等的訴訟權利和義務。
Article 71 Foreign nationals, stateless persons and foreign organizations that are engaged in administrative suits in the People's Republic of China shall have the same litigation rights and obligations as citizens and organizations of the People's Republic of China.
Should the courts of a foreign country impose restrictions on the administrative litigation rights of the citizens and organizations of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese people's courts shall follow the principle of reciprocity regarding the administrative litigation rights of the citizens and organizations of that foreign country.
第七十二條 中華人民共和國締結或者參加的國際條約同本法有不同規(guī)定的,適用該國際條約的規(guī)定。中華人民共和國聲明保留的條款除外。
Article 72 If an international treaty concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions different from those found in this Law, the provisions of the international treaty shall apply, unless the provisions are ones on which the People's Republic of China has announced reservations.
第七十三條 外國人、無國籍人、外國組織在中華人民共和國進行行政訴訟,委托律師代理訴訟的,應當委托中華人民共和國律師機構的律師。
Article 73 When foreign nationals, stateless persons and foreign organizations appoint lawyers as their agents ad litem in administrative suits in the People's Republic of China, they shall appoint lawyers of a lawyers' organization of the People's Republic of China.
第十一章 附 則
Chapter XI Supplementary Provisions
第七十四條 人民法院審理行政案件,應當收取訴訟費用。訴訟費用由敗訴方承擔,雙方都有責任的由雙方分擔。收取訴訟費用的具體辦法另行規(guī)定。
Article 74 A people's court shall charge litigation fees for handling administrative cases. The litigation fee shall be borne by the losing party, or by both parties if they are both held responsible. The procedure for the charging of litigation fees shall be specified separately.
第七十五條 本法自1990年10月1日起施行。
Article 75 This Law shall come into force as of October 1, 1990.
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