Ted changes Barney's bachelor party plans for Marshall at the last minute, so that it won't just consist of gambling and cheap strippers. And Robin gets Lily an inappropriate shower party gift.

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最后,歡迎推薦給你的好友 :D

It's just like the one Miranda gave to Charlotte on Sex and the City. Oh, I love that show. I always watch it on TBS. Oh, you would. You're such a Samantha! Oh, I'm a Carrie! You're a Samantha! And then the night became a whole new kind of uncomfortable. So where do I get one of these? Mom! Man, what a show, huh? She did some disgusting stuff. Really sticks with you. I may be done eating. Me, too. I mean, like, forever. Me, too. I miss my wife. Hey, let's go around the table and say what our favorite part was. Mine was that thing with the typewriter. I mean, she made some spelling mistakes, but still.
這跟《欲望都市》里 米蘭達送夏洛特的一樣 我喜歡那個劇 我一直看TBS的《欲望都市》 確實值得一看 你就是莎曼莎 我是凱利 而你是莎曼莎 然后那一晚變成了另一種的不爽 我該上哪兒去買這個呢 媽 伙計 爛透了的表演 是吧 瞧她那惡心的姿勢 整個兒都粘在你身上 我不吃了 我也是 我是說永遠 我也是 我想我老婆 吃完飯大家就聊聊 最喜歡哪部分的表演 我喜歡有打字機的那一段 盡管她有很多拼寫錯誤 但這不影響...