迪拜遍地豪車遭遺棄 車主負債出逃
2014-05-21 13:37
Some cities have a litter problem, some suffer from high crime rates and others might have a lack of affordable housing. And then you have Dubai, which for the last several years has been facing the unusual problem of high end sports cars being abandoned and left to gather thick layers of dust at airport car parks and on the roadside across the city.
Thousands of the finest automobiles ever made are now being abandoned every year since Dubai’s financial meltdown, left by expatriates and locals alike who flee in a hurry because they face crippling debts.
With big loans to repay to the banks (unpaid debt or even bouncing a cheque is a criminal offence in Dubai), the panicked car owners make their way to the airport at top speeds and leave their vehicles in the car park, hopping on the next flight out of there, never to return.
Ferraris, Porsches, BMWs, Mercedes are regularly abandoned at the car park of Dubai International Airport, some with loan documents and apology notes simply left on the windscreen.
Last year, a Ferrari Enzo, one of only four hundred manufactured, was seized by police having spent several months in a car park collecting dust. The million dollar motor went on sale at auction alongside other Ferraris, Porsches, Range Rovers and Mercedes plucked from the roadside.
Residents complain about the unsightly vehicles hogging parking spaces at the airport and sitting slumped outside their fancy yacht clubs– it’s like, so not a good look. On the plus side, discount Ferraris for everyone!
在美國St. Mary's University任教的Henry Flores初次見到他的妻子Gwendolyn Diaz時,只是看到了她坐在辦公室里的身姿就被深深吸引,以致撞到了墻上。而這也成了一段美滿姻緣的開始。
OMG、LOL等網(wǎng)絡熱詞 牛津英語詞典在線版收錄
牛津英語詞典在線版(OED Online)剛剛進行了2011年度三月份更新,收錄了大量廣為流傳的縮略詞,諸如OMG、LOL、FYI、BFF等等,你都知道它們的意思么?
感謝你沒有渴求到的一切東西,如果得到了你就不會再有期待。感謝那些困難的日子,因為你學會了成長。感謝你所犯的每一次錯誤, 因為你可以得到寶貴的教訓。Be thankful that you don't already have everything...
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