

當哈利遇到莎莉 When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

當哈利遇到莎莉 When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

導演: 羅伯·萊納
編劇: 諾拉·艾芙隆
主演: 梅格·瑞恩 / 比利·克里斯托 / 凱麗·費雪 / 布魯諾·柯比
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1989-07-21

莎莉(梅格·瑞恩 飾)開車載哈利(比利·克里斯托 飾)前往紐約,兩人就此相識。途中二人言語相左,不歡而散,并留下經典的問題:“排除‘性’的介入,男人和女人可以成為真正的朋友么?”五年后。兩人在機場不期而遇。此時,莎莉沉浸于新戀情的甜蜜,而哈利即將步入正式的婚姻生活。哈利告訴莎莉:“在兩人各有所愛的時候,男人和女人或許可以成為朋友,但很快他們會質疑為什么要與只能做朋友的人交往?!鄙蚍鹦涠ァJ旰?。失戀中的莎莉再次偶遇剛剛離婚的哈利。哈利對莎莉說:“我們要成為朋友了么?你或許是我不想帶上床的第一位迷人女性?!迸R睡前的通話,共度圣誕,為彼此的感情出謀劃策,哈利與莎莉有著不可言喻的默契。然而,這真的是一段美麗友誼的開始么?又或者這悄然來臨的是錯認了的感情呢……

當哈利遇到莎莉 When Harry Met Sally... (1989)


Harry: You know you just get to a certain point where you get tired of the whole thing.
Sally: What "whole thing"?
Harry: The whole life-of-a-single-guy thing. You meet someone, you have the safe lunch, you decide you like each other enough to move on to dinner. You go dancing, you do the white-man's over-bite, go back to her place, you have sex and the minute you're finished you know what goes through your mind? How long do I have to lie here and hold her before I can get up and go home. Is thirty seconds enough?
Sally: That's what you're thinking? Is that true?
Harry: Sure! All men think that. How long do you want to be held afterwards? All night, right? See there's your problem, somewhere between thirty seconds and all night is your problem.
Sally: I don't have a problem!
Harry: Yeah you do.

四個婚禮和一個葬禮 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

四個婚禮和一個葬禮 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)

導演: 邁克·內威爾
編劇: 理查德·柯蒂斯
主演: 休·格蘭特 / 安迪·麥克道威爾 / 西蒙·卡洛 / 詹姆斯·弗雷特 / 克里斯汀·斯科特·托馬斯 / 約翰·漢納
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語 / 英語手語
上映日期: 1994-03-09


四個婚禮和一個葬禮 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)


Matthew: [At Gareth's funeral] Gareth used to prefer funerals to weddings. He said it was easier to get enthusiastic about a ceremony one had an outside chance of eventually being involved in. [Pause] In order to prepare this speech, I rang a few people, to get a general picture of how Gareth was regarded by those who met him. Fat seems to be a word people most connected with him. Terribly rude also rang a lot of bells. So very fat and very rude seems to have been a stranger's viewpoint. [pause] On the other hand, some of you have been kind enough to ring me to tell me that you loved him, which I know he'd be thrilled to hear. You remember his fabulous hospitality... his strange experimental cooking. The recipe for "Duck à la Banana" fortunately goes with him to his grave. Most of all, you tell me of his enormous capacity for joy. When joyful, when joyful for highly vocal drunkenness. [pause] But joyful is how I hope you'll remember him. Not stuck in a box in a church.

烏云背后的幸福線 Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

烏云背后的幸福線 Silver Linings Playbook (2012)

導演: 大衛(wèi)·歐·拉塞爾
編劇: 馬修·魁克 / 大衛(wèi)·歐·拉塞爾
主演: 布萊德利·庫珀 / 詹妮弗·勞倫斯 / 羅伯特·德尼羅 / 杰基·韋佛 / 克里斯·塔克 / 阿努潘·凱爾 / 約翰·奧提茲 / 謝伊·惠格姆 / 朱麗婭·斯蒂爾斯
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情 / 家庭
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2012-09-08(多倫多電影節(jié)) / 2012-12-25(美國)

本身生性開朗樂觀的中學教師帕特(布萊德利·庫珀 Bradley Cooper 飾)回家撞見老婆出軌后因精神創(chuàng)傷被父母送進醫(yī)院進行精神治療。出院后帕特回到父母家與父母同住,在父親(羅伯特·德尼羅 Robert De Niro 飾)與母親(杰基·韋佛 Jacki Weaver 飾)的過度關懷下不免覺得壓抑。一次聚會上帕特遇到了剛剛失去丈夫和工作的年輕女子蒂凡妮(詹妮弗·勞倫斯 Jennifer Lawrence 飾)。渾身是刺的蒂凡妮與帕特處處針鋒相對,令帕特一開始唯恐避之不及。但隨著兩人接觸的深入,帕特漸漸發(fā)現(xiàn)了蒂凡妮的動人之處,蒂凡妮也發(fā)現(xiàn)了帕特身上難以磨滅的樂觀精神。蒂凡妮要求帕特與她共同練舞參加比賽,兩人的關系開始向積極的方向改善。在舞蹈比賽的賽場,帕特終于找到了一生的所愛,而他與蒂凡妮的生活也撥開烏云重見陽光。

烏云背后的幸福線 Silver Linings Playbook (2012)


Pat Jr.: So what are you doing with yourself?
Pat Sr.: You know, I'm gonna start a restaurant. It's gonna be a cheesesteak place.
Pat Jr.: How you gonna pay for it?
Pat Sr.: I'm gonna pay for it, don't worry about it.
Pat Jr.: From your bookmaking?
Pat Sr.: Who told you that?
Pat Jr.: Mom told me. Outside.
Dolores: I did not. No, I didn't.
Pat Jr.: You just told me outside, Mom, what are you talking about? Five minutes ago, we were walking up the stairs, you said, "Don't say anything, but Dad lost his job and he's bookmaking."

BJ單身日記 Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)

BJ單身日記 Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)

導演: 沙朗·馬奎爾
編劇: 理查德·柯蒂斯 / 安德魯·戴維斯
主演: 蕾妮·澤爾維格 / 柯林·菲爾斯 / 休·格蘭特 / 吉姆·布勞德本特
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語
上映日期: 2001-04-04(英國)

布里奇特?瓊斯(蕾妮?齊維格 飾)是一個32歲的單身女子。她的工作及生活都是平淡無奇的,她唯一想得到一份真摯的愛情,就算有一眾好友在身邊及時安慰,布里奇特還是沒有好過點。新的一年里,她要過一種新的生活。她選擇用日記把自己生活里的點點滴滴都記錄下來,她開始變得喜悅起來。這時在她與風流倜儻的上司丹尼爾?克里弗(休?格蘭特 飾)產生了感情,丹尼爾原來早與女友訂婚,使布里奇特傷心不已。高傲卻真實的馬克?達西(科林?菲爾斯 飾)也表示對她的愛慕之情。布里奇特周旋在兩個男人之間,不知如何選擇。

BJ單身日記 Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)


Mark: I don't think you're an idiot at all. I mean, there are elements that are ridiculous about you. Your mother's pretty interesting. And you really are an appallingly bad public speaker. And, um, you tend to let whatever's in your head come out of your mouth without much consideration of the consequences. I realize that when I met you at the Turkey Curry Buffet I was unforgiveably rude... and wearing a reindeer jumper... that my mother had given me the day before. But the thing is, uhm, what I'm trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, uhm, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you. Very much.
Bridget: [Bitterly] Apart from the smoking and the drinking and the vulgar mother and the verbal diarrhea...
Mark: No, I like you very much. Just as you are.

西雅圖未眠夜 Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

西雅圖未眠夜 Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

導演: 諾拉·艾芙隆
編劇: 諾拉·艾芙隆 / 杰夫·阿奇 / 大衛(wèi)·S·瓦德
主演: 湯姆·漢克斯 / 梅格·瑞恩 / 羅斯·馬林格 / 麗塔·威爾遜 / 維克多·加博 / 比爾·普爾曼
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語
上映日期: 1993-06-25

自從妻子去世后,薩姆(湯姆·漢克斯 Tom Hanks飾)就相信自己此生的愛已經走到了盡頭,不會再有新的戀情走進心中,他在西雅圖和兒子喬納一起平靜的生活。而喬納,卻一直希望爸爸能夠開始新的婚姻,重獲生活的陽光。抱著這樣的想法,喬納在圣誕夜打電話到之聲的情感熱線。就這樣,薩姆的經歷在此夜傳遍了各個角落,很多人在傾聽他的故事,其中包括安妮(梅格·瑞安 Meg Ryan飾)——一個住在東部的女記者。她善良,溫柔,有一個知心的好友,和一個即將結婚的男友。然而,幸福的生活就被這個電話徹底打破了。她的內心有一種沖動,讓她一步步地接近這個遠在西部的男人。然而,一次次輾轉的錯過讓薩姆和安妮遲遲不能會面。屢次在緣份的天空下失諸交臂的二人,一直為愛而奔波,等待一個遇見的機緣。

西雅圖未眠夜 Sleepless in Seattle (1993)


SAM: I'd much rather just see somebody I like, and get a feeling about them, and ask them if they want to have a drink.
JONAH: -- or a slice of pizza --
SAM: Not dinner. Not necessarily on the first date because halfway through dinner you could be really sorry you asked them to dinner. Whereas if it's just a drink, if you like them you can always ask them for dinner but if not, you can just say, "Well, that was great," and then you go home. If you see what I mean. (beat) I wonder if it still works this way.
JONAH: It doesn't. They ask you.
SAM: I'm starting to notice that.

和莎莫的500天 (500) Days of Summer (2009)

和莎莫的500天 (500) Days of Summer (2009)

導演: 馬克·韋布
編劇: Scott Neustadter / Michael H. Weber
主演: 約瑟夫·高登-萊維特 / 佐伊·丹斯切爾 / 克拉克·格雷格 / 馬修·格雷·古柏勒 / 吉奧弗瑞·阿倫德 / 科洛·莫瑞茲
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語 / 法語 / 瑞典語
上映日期: 2009-07-17

來自新澤西的湯姆(Joseph Gordon-Levitt約瑟夫?高登-萊維特 飾)是一個沉溺于英倫哀歌與《畢業(yè)生》情境的年輕人。他供職于一家賀卡公司,任務是撰寫富有創(chuàng)意的祝辭。某次會議上,湯姆的老板把新助理介紹給大家,她是來自密歇根的魅力女孩莎莫(Zooey Deschanel 佐伊?丹斯切爾 飾)。莎莫自幼父母離異,因此對于感情的態(tài)度與眾不同。湯姆和莎莫沒有一見鐘情,但卻在一次酒吧K歌后彼此示好,成了非典型的戀人。而且這段辦公室戀情迅速升溫,愛火燒得誰都無法預料。最后,在一個餐館里,莎莫對湯姆說了絕情的分手。深陷情網(wǎng)的湯姆,經受不住失戀的打擊,郁郁寡歡,周圍的伙伴們希望幫他走出陰影,然而,這并不是故事的全部,本片以湯姆的視角把時間重新組接,讓觀眾在對比中體味500天戀愛的弦外之音……

和莎莫的500天 (500) Days of Summer (2009)


Narration: This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Tom Hansen of Margate, New Jersey, grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until the day he met the one. This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music and a total mis-reading of the movie The Graduate. The girl, Summer Finn of Shinnecock, Michigan, did not share this belief. Since the disintegration of her parents' marriage she'd only loved two things. The first was her long dark hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off and feel nothing. Tom meets Summer on January 8th. He knows almost immediately she is who he has been searching for. This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story.

羅馬假日 Roman Holiday (1953)

羅馬假日 Roman Holiday (1953)

導演: 威廉·惠勒
編劇: 達爾頓·特朗勃 / 伊安·麥克萊倫·亨特 / 約翰·戴頓
主演: 奧黛麗·赫本 / 格利高里·派克 / 埃迪·艾伯特 / Hartley Power / Harcourt Williams
類型: 劇情 / 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語 / 意大利語
上映日期: 1953-09-02(美國)

歐洲某國的安妮公主(奧黛麗·赫本 Audrey Hepburn 飾)到訪羅馬,國務煩身,但她又厭倦繁文縟節(jié)。一天晚上,身心俱疲的她偷偷來到民間欣賞夜景,巧遇報社記者喬(格里高利·派克 Gregory Peck 飾)。二人把手同游,相當快樂。公主更是到喬的家中作客并在那過夜。不料喬無意中發(fā)現(xiàn)了公主的真實身份,他決定炮制一個獨家新聞,于是喬和朋友、攝影師歐文(埃迪·艾伯特 Eddie Albert 飾)一起帶公主同游羅馬,并且偷拍了公主的很多生活照。然而,在接下來與公主的相處中,喬不知不覺戀上了公主。為了保護公主的形象,喬只能忍痛拋棄功成名就的良機,將照片送予了公主。安妮公主在經歷了羅馬一日假期后,反而體驗了自己對國家的責任,毅然返回了大使館,為了本身的責任而果斷拋棄了愛情。

羅馬假日 Roman Holiday (1953)


Princess Ann: This is very unusual. I've never been alone with a man before - even with my dress on. [She begins unbuttoning and removing her blouse] With my dress off, it's most unusual. I don't seem to mind. Do you?
Joe Bradley: [pause] I think I'll go out for a cup of coffee. You'd better get to sleep. [She flops on his bed] No, no, no. [He leads her toward the couch] On this one.
Princess Ann: How terribly nice.
Joe Bradley: Hey - these are pajamas. They're to sleep in. You're to climb into them, you understand?...Then you do your sleeping on the couch, see. Not on the bed, not on the chair, on the couch. Is that clear?

漂亮女人 Pretty Woman (1990)

漂亮女人 Pretty Woman (1990)

導演: 蓋瑞·馬歇爾
編劇: J·F·勞頓
主演: 理查·基爾 / 朱莉婭·羅伯茨 / 拉爾夫·貝拉米 / 杰森·亞歷山大 / 勞拉·?!ぜ獊喛颇?br> 類型: 喜劇 / 愛情
語言: 英語 / 意大利語 / 日語
上映日期: 1990-03-23

愛德華?劉易斯(李察?基爾 飾)是一個擁有百萬身家的企業(yè)家。他瀟灑迷人,但總是無法處理好與女人之間關系,他跟女友分手了。他到洛杉磯出差,晚上開著一輛借來的高級轎車進入了紅燈區(qū)。由于迷失了方向,他向一名年輕漂亮的妓女薇薇安(茱麗婭?羅伯茨 飾)問路,薇薇安的活潑美麗吸引了他,他把薇薇安帶到了酒店。愛德華愛上了薇薇安并極力想留下她,但礙于情面只能用錢做掩飾,讓她在一周內充當愛德華的交際活動女伴。宴會上,薇薇安的魅力讓愛德華醋意大發(fā)。此時薇薇安也發(fā)現(xiàn)自己愛上了愛德華,可是一周的時間馬上要過去了,兩個相愛的人又該何去何從?

漂亮女人 Pretty Woman (1990)


Thompson: Now, Mr. Lewis, however, is a very special customer, and we like to think of our special customers as friends. Now, as a customer, we would expect Mr. Lewis to sign in any additional guests, but as a friend, we're willing to overlook it. Now, I'm assuming that you're a… [long pause] … relative?
Vivian: [meekly] Yes.
Thompson: I thought so. Then you must be his…
[Thompson gives Vivian an expectant nod. Another long pause.]
Vivian: Niece?
Thompson: Of course. Naturally, when Mr. Lewis leaves, I won't see you in this hotel again. I assume you have no other uncles here??