

? ? A few days ago, a news that a 13-year-old girl killed her classmate for the reason that her classmate is more beautiful than her shocked the world country and draw a lot attention from the specialists keen on the Juvenile delinquency.What is the main cause to it is always the core part of the study.


? ?This kind of news exposed that the deficiencies of our educate system and the family education. Actually,the existence of ?juvenile delinquency was attribute to the lack of proper guide which should be given by parents and teachers. According to study,the children growing up in the single-parent family are easier to have juvenile delinquency problems.The youth are new to the world, they can not distinguish the wrong from the right. So that proper education and guide is necessary to their life.?
? ? Juvenile delinquency may be cause by self-entitlement. Children growing up in recent years are leading relatively good lives. They do not have to endure war and famine. In their eyes, hardship may mean not being able to get their hands on the latest gadgets or not receiving the highest score in school. While growing up in this environment, children develop a sense of entitlement. They think they deserve all things and take everything for granted. At the end, as they become more and more self-centered and selfish, they will do anything to get what they want without thinking of the consequences.
