本次中口聽力sentence translation部分,難度中等偏易,沒有出現(xiàn)大數(shù)字,考生還是比較容易拿分的。
原句:Please hold my telephone calls and just take a message. I can call back later. I must have a little peace and quiet to concentrate on these figures.

第二句話出自聽力教程,只是數(shù)字上有所改動。話題圍繞一家公司展開,有一個數(shù)字15 million,另外registered capital意思是注冊資金,其中register一詞我們在口譯課上多次提及,相信同學(xué)們不難把握。
原文:This company has a registered capital of 15 million US Dollars and specializes in importing and exporting and a great variety of digital products.

第三句話相對于其它的句子來說比較難,話題是圍繞Share prices股價、Shares股份展開。Share prices on the London market have fallen sharply today, following sharp losses on Wall Street.譯為今天倫敦市場股價驟跌,隨之華爾街也遭受了巨大損失。Shares of leading financial banks have been the worst hit.這句話有許多考生抓不到其中的意思,hit的意思是受到重創(chuàng),這一句的譯文是領(lǐng)頭的金融銀行的份額遭受到最重的重創(chuàng)。
原文:Share prices on the London market have fallen sharply today. Following sharp losses are on Wall Street. Shares of living financial banks have been the worst hit.

第四句話圍繞good health健康展開,這也是聽力部分常考話題。
原文:Good health is usually associated with exercise. But that is not the whole picture. In order to keep fit, you have to eat well, sleep well and generally feel good about yourself.

原文:Many young people dream of becoming top models. To become slim is what they usually desire. Therefore in order to keep their weight down, they simply avoid food.


