What do you call a sheep with two faces?

That's the conundrum a Kiwi farming family has contended with since they discovered one of their ewes had given birth to a baby lamb with the unique deformity last Friday.

'I've tried to think of a name for it but it's so unique that nothing really fits,' said farmer Justine Parker, from Slope Point Farms, near Invercargill at the southernmost point of New Zealand's South Island.

One North Island radio station suggested they call it U2.

But the family appears to have settled on a name thought up by Ms Parker's little girls, Anna, 10, and Sarah, 8, and Kate, 6.

'My wee girls just called it Two Face,' Ms Parker told Daily Mail Australia.
“我的小女兒們就把它叫做Two Face。”帕克女士告訴《每日郵報》澳大利亞記者站記者。?

With four eyes, two noses and two mouths, Two Face is a little different from the rest of the flock.
Two Face長有四只眼睛、兩只鼻子和兩張嘴,和羊群中的其他羊很不同。

But after the initial surprise of discovering the little lamb with 'two of everything', Two Face has fast become one of the family's favourite farm animals.

'We really care for him like one of our own now,' Ms Parker said.

Two Face's deformities have only caused him a few issues.
Two Face只有一些小問題會影響到日常生活。

He?tilts?slightly to the left when he walks and has some difficult feeding.

But Ms Parker said Two Face appears to be a happy lamb who interacts with the other farm animals like normal.
但帕克女士說,Two Face似乎像羊群中的其他羊一樣、是一只快樂的小羊。

Farmers often encounter deformed lambs, but it's rare for them to live this long.

'We do know - and the kids know - it's not going to live forever,' Ms Parker told Daily Mail Australia.

'But for it to live this long is a bit of a miracle really.'