Poor Rebekah Mikaelson -- just when she thinks she's free of her family's complicated dynamics on "The Originals," she's pulled right back in to the drama. In "The Brothers That Care Forgot," Rebekah reunites with her family to help her brother -- and protect the niece she's raising away from the supernatural dangers of New Orleans.
可憐的Rebekah Mikaelson——就在他以為自己已經(jīng)擺脫自己吸血鬼始祖家族紛繁斗爭的時候,又被拉回來了。在《The Brothers That Care Forgot》中,Rebekah重回新奧爾良幫助自己的哥哥——同時保護自己處于危險中的小侄女Hope。

"Rebekah comes in and has to bail Elijah out of an awkward circumstance surrounding what he's going through mentally and psychologically," creator Julie Plec tells Zap2it and other reporters on a recent visit to the show's Atlanta set.
Rebekah的回歸會幫助Elijah擺脫他身理和心理目前所處的糟糕情況,“制片人Julie Plec在亞特蘭大片場的一次采訪中透露。

Now, she and her brothers must come together to defend Hope from their mother,? Holt says.