?????? 高級口譯第一階段考試中的聽力測試分為4部分:spot dictation, listening comprehension, note-taking & gap-filling, listening & translation. 這四部分各有特點,但要想各個擊破,全面開花,“筆記”始終是關(guān)鍵。
1. spot dictation
?????? 1)建立一套方便實用的縮略語體系。例如:↗(improve), >(more/more than), <(less/less than),= (equal to), 2 (to), C (see), eg (for example), info (information), prof (professor), Am (America/American), std (stand/standard), W (world/women), uni (university), edu (education/educational)等等??s寫符號一定要固定,慢慢建立條件反射,耳朵一聽到某個詞,手就自動給出特定縮寫,整理答案時則能見形知意,毋庸推敲。
?????? 2)氣定神閑,利用錄音朗讀非填空內(nèi)容的時間從容書寫。聽錄音時沒有必要speaker念到哪里眼睛就追到哪里,而應迅速記錄眼前空格里的字詞,同時用余光留意下一個空前面的兩個字(定位詞),當念到該詞時直接跳至下一空格準備記錄其中內(nèi)容: 不浪費一秒鐘,不放過一個空。?
2. listening comprehension
listening comprehension的題型主要是考生在CET4/6中就見慣的talks & conversations,難度較低,形式老套,大有希望拿到高分,但有相當多考生因一時大意而錯失得分良機,究其原因往往是聽錄音時走神遺漏細節(jié),或者內(nèi)容太多,以至于聽時了然回頭茫然。這個時候筆記的作用又突現(xiàn)出來:簡單幾筆,幫助考生集中注意力,同時為回憶問題對應內(nèi)容提供可靠依據(jù)。
例:2004年9月考試Listening Comprehension question 11: What nationality is the woman being interviewed?
A. American B. British C. Russian D. German
You will hear:
Man: Ms. Sharman, we all know that you have a place in history as Britain’s first astronaut. I don’t think any of us has any plans to follow you into the space, but we certainly want to know how you set about getting yourself into orbit.
Women: I was driving my car home from work. I was trying to listen to some music really. I was just flicking through some radio stations finding some light music. And the advert went: astronaut wanted, no experience necessary and then went on to describe that the Russians had offered opportunity to somebody from the United Kingdom to train and then to blast off on one of their rockets and to do experiments in space. I thought “Wow! Yes! This is really something I really want to do!” Because I had never thought about being an astronaut before that. I mean nobody tells you at school that if you studies sciences and keep up with your languages then maybe one day you can be an astronaut. …
Woman: There was never the opportunity for anybody from this country to be an astronaut. Now maybe if I had grown up in Russia or America maybe that would have been an ambition.
四個選項都是國家的形容詞形式,一看便知是和nationality相關(guān)問題??墒俏恼轮蟹稚⒊霈F(xiàn)過Britain, Russia, America,如果不做些筆記,整個interview聽完了以后印象也可能模糊了。所以,不妨在聽的過程中對選項進行適當標注:opportunity↙A. American B. Britain→W from↖C. Russian D. German↘want astro這樣一來便百問不倒了。
3. note-taking & gap-filling
例如:Business people in Japan and some Latin American countries like to stand close together as they talk. These people partially judge how close they are to agreement in their negotiations by how physically close they’re standing or sitting next to each other. Now Americans, on the other hand, do not want other people invading their personally space. This is especially important to American men. If an American businessman were negotiating with a Japanese man and the Japanese man began to move toward the American, the American would most likely begin to back away. This could result in both men becoming suspicious of each other and it could result in poor communications between them. (2004年9月N&G)
??????? 全篇文章主題是不同文化背景的人在商業(yè)活動中行為方式的差異。橫線部分的細枝末節(jié)不可能進入僅200字的summary,那么根本無須做筆記。2)筆記的書寫方式有兩個特性:A. 簡略性。做spot dictation中采用的各種縮略手法又可以派上用場了。B. 條理性。筆記最好能體現(xiàn)文章主題思想的發(fā)展,這樣在補充summary時才能讓筆記里的詞對號入座。仍然以上面的一段文字為例,筆記可以為:Jp & Lt Am cls /cls agmt nego= phy cls / Am × invd pers spc esp. M. 其中 “=” 表示定義, “×” 表示否定。
4. Listening Translation
例如:Police said that about five hundred homes were washed away by floods after a typhoon struck the west coast of the island yesterday bringing driving rains and winds of up to eighty miles per hour. The typhoon flooded wide areas of the island and crippled communications and power supplies. All domestic flights were cancelled yesterday and the international airport was closed for about five hours. Government radio reported that two passenger ferries had been sunk but gave no details of casualties. It will be some time before we hear the final casualty figures. 其實這種關(guān)于災難的新聞報道性質(zhì)的內(nèi)容,重要信息應該是:time, location, damage, casualty, influence. 筆記可記為:500 home floo← 臺 W isl yest→ rai&win 80m/h ∥ flood wide / × commu & pow∥dome 飛 × int airp 關(guān) 5h ∥ 2 ferr sunk ×dtl casu∥tm → final casu 而原文里什么“police said” “government radio reported that…”都沒必要去記。
????? 上海新東方學校