越獄第四季第18集學(xué)習(xí)筆記 附字幕下載
'Glad to see you're both in one piece. 還好你們倆都沒缺胳膊少腿的。 I could have saved you the trip. 'Cause we're seeing this thing through. 那你...'
'同步字幕 雙語劇本 越獄第一季MP4 視頻版Prison Break Episode 4.18 Vs.Airs: April 24, 2009Michael and Lincoln come to blows over Scylla as Christina sets ...'
'越獄第四季第16集學(xué)習(xí)筆記新鮮出爐!邊看越獄邊學(xué)英語??! Prison Break Episode 4.17 R.I.PAirs: Spring, 2009Michael and Sara are on the run, while Linco...'
'越獄第四季第16集“陽光州際”新鮮出爐,在線觀看字幕下載 電話鈴聲響起,莎拉接了起來。是林肯打來的,他說他身在邁阿密,他要把錫拉奪回來交給公司,好讓他們...'