What kind of opposite sex will I attract?

Bear 熊

You may easily attract “Otaku” type of opposite sex. They can always be around you whenever you need them. They will never gripe about their contribution to you. Instead, they will always be there to protect you.

Penguin 企鵝

“Sunshine boy”will like you very much. This kind of people who always appear to be loving, caring and active. They like to be with you because you give the impression of being so natural. They feel so relaxed and pleasant when getting along with you.

Piggy 小豬

You seem to have the power to draw the attention of philanderers. This type of men seems to master the skills of handing different types of women, but unexpectedly they are attracted by you. But once you fall in love with this type of man, never think of changing his character. Once you start to change him, it’s your starting point to a suffering journey.

Eagle 鷹

Rich men will likely be attracted by you. They will tend to buy something to please you. The more you don’t care about them, the more they want to challenge themselves to conquer you. If you can continuously maintain your mystery, you definitely can win their hearts.

How high is your love competitiveness?

A You are single-minded in you love affair. In your opinion, love is something sacred, thus you can hardly share your lover with somebody else. You will fully concentrate yourself to love someone, so you are considered ‘competitive’ as you are always loyal to your lover.

B You love competitiveness is extremely high. Once you encounter a strong competitor, you will automatically become stronger and vice versa. In order to maintain your relationship, you will tend to contribute a lot of effort without caring much on the return. Luckily, your lover appreciates your courageous character.

C Your love competitiveness is considered low. Once you meet your love rival, your confidence will reduce tremendously. In this situation, your may worry that your lover would be grabbed by the competitor.

D Your love competitiveness is purely depending on how much your lover loves you. If you discover that your lover on longer loves you, you will choose to give up, despite how many love rivals are around you. If you know your lover is loyal to you, you will also be competitive to dispel other opponents.