Taiwan singer Jay Zhou poses for a photo with his wife, while hiding a basketball in his T-shirt. He says that he wants to play basketball with his baby in the future.

?Taiwan singer Jay Chou has uploaded the pregnancy photos of his wife Hannah Quinlivian to his Facebook account, Taiwan local media reports.

The singer's management company JVR Music has also confirmed the news, according to Hong Kong local media.

Hannah Quinlivan married Jay Chou in November last year.

Chou shared his happiness with his fans sharing a photo taken with his wife.

He had expressed his wish of having a baby boy in an interview before and said that he longed to play basketball with the child while he himself is still young.

小編導讀:話說短短不到半年的時間里,簡直無法相信周董這節(jié)奏真真是“婚訊來得太快就像龍卷風,粉絲來不及消化來不及逃”。 過去那么多年的分分合合,結婚牽手卻是分分鐘的事。甚至在婚后幾個月小杰倫就要來了!OMG!

2014-12 周董曝出在倫敦秘密求婚,粉絲流言多方猜測,傳說中倫敦眼下的那段“冬日浪漫”羨煞了多少人。大家紛紛表示:四年拍拖終成眷屬 恭喜恭喜!

2015-1 逃過了眾路媒體,周董給了他心愛的人一個浪漫至極的婚禮:租下了倫敦有著300年歷史的霍華德城堡,婚禮花費了250多萬港幣,婚紗照如在仙境~

2015-1 因為名人效應,古堡一下子火了:亞洲粉絲瞬間擠爆了這個小城堡,觀光旅游,結婚預定,英國一邊狂喜一邊表示:古堡好忙!